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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2D, E, 2I, O and R

DEOXIDISERdeoxidiser n. Alternative form of deoxidizer.
DEOXIDISER n. a substance that deoxidises, also DEOXIDIZER.
DEOXIDIZERdeoxidizer n. Any agent that reduces the oxygen content of a material; a deoxidant.
DEOXIDIZER n. a substance that deoxidises, also DEOXIDISER.
DIBROMIDESdibromides n. Plural of dibromide.
DIBROMIDE n. a compound containing two bromine atoms per molecule.
DICHLORIDEdichloride n. (Chemistry) any chloride containing two chlorine atoms bound to a single element or radical.
DICHLORIDE n. a compound in which two atoms of chlorine are combined with another atom or group, also BICHLORIDE.
DIDGERIDOOdidgeridoo n. A musical instrument, endemic to the Top End of Australia, consisting of a long hollowed-out log which…
didgeridoo v. (Rare) To play the digeridoo.
DIDGERIDOO n. (Native Australian) a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDJERIDOO, DIDJERIDU.
DIDJERIDOOdidjeridoo n. Alternative spelling of didgeridoo.
DIDJERIDOO n. (Native Australian) a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDGERIDOO, DIDJERIDU.
DISPERSOIDdispersoid n. Dispersoids are ultrafine nanometer-scale and numerous finely divided particles of one substance dispersed…
dispersoid n. Colloid.
DISPERSOID n. a substance in a state of dispersion.
DISPROVIDEdisprovide v. (Obsolete, transitive) Not to provide; to fail to provide.
DISPROVIDE v. (archaic) to fail to provide.
DORSIFIXEDdorsifixed adj. (Botany) Said of anthers that are attached to the filament somewhere along their back.
DORSIFIXED adj. attached at or by the back.
EPIDERMOIDepidermoid adj. Similar to epidermal tissue but not histologically identical, or possibly not so (to the extent known…
epidermoid n. (Pathology) An epidermoid cyst.
EPIDERMOID adj. like epidermis; pertaining to the epidermis.
GRIDIRONEDgridironed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gridiron.
GRIDIRON v. to mark with parallel lines or bars.
PERIODIDESperiodides n. Plural of periodide.
PERIODIDE n. an iodid, a salt of hydriodic acid, also PERIODID.
PERIODISEDperiodised v. Simple past tense and past participle of periodise.
PERIODISE v. to divide into periods, also PERIODIZE.
PERIODIZEDperiodized v. Simple past tense and past participle of periodize.
PERIODIZE v. to divide into periods, also PERIODISE.
RECODIFIEDrecodified v. Simple past tense and past participle of recodify.
RECODIFY v. to insert a new code.
REMODIFIEDremodified v. Simple past tense and past participle of remodify.
REMODIFY v. to modify again.
REOXIDISEDreoxidised v. Simple past tense and past participle of reoxidise.
REOXIDISE v. to oxidise again, also REOXIDIZE.
REOXIDIZEDreoxidized v. Simple past tense and past participle of reoxidize.
REOXIDIZE v. to oxidize again, also REOXIDISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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