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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2D, 2E, M, N and U

DEDUCEMENTdeducement n. Inference; deduction.
deducement n. Something that is deduced.
DEDUCEMENT n. inference; deduction.
DENUDEMENTdenudement n. The process of denuding or stripping bare.
DENUDEMENT n. the act of denuding.
DOCUMENTEDdocumented v. Simple past tense and past participle of document.
DOCUMENT v. to support by conclusive information.
EPIDENDRUMepidendrum n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Epidendrum.
Epidendrum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – certain orchids.
EPIDENDRUM n. a genus of tropical plant, also EPIDENDRONE.
MUDDLEMENTmuddlement n. The state of being muddled or the act of muddling; confusion; disorganization.
MUDDLEMENT n. the state of being muddled.
UNBEDIMMEDunbedimmed adj. Not bedimmed.
UNBEDIMMED adj. not made dim.
UNDEFORMEDundeformed adj. Not deformed.
UNDEFORMED adj. not deformed.
UNDERMINDEUNDERMINDE v. (Spenser) to undermine.
UNDERMINEDundermined v. Simple past tense and past participle of undermine.
UNDERMINE v. to dig beneath (e.g. a wall) in order to make it fall, also UNDERMINDE.
UNDERNAMEDundernamed adj. Whose name appears underneath, or further down in a document.
UNDERNAMED adj. named below.
UNDERTIMEDundertimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of undertime.
UNDERTIMED adj. of a photograph, underexposed.
UNEMBODIEDunembodied adj. (Of a soul, spirit, or other such essence so conceived) Incorporeal; not possessed of a body.
unembodied adj. (Of principles, ideas, theories, or the like)…
unembodied adj. (Especially of armed multitudes) Not united in a regimented structure; lacking structure and order.
UNMEDIATEDunmediated adj. Not mediated.
UNMEDIATED adj. not mediated.
UNREDEEMEDunredeemed adj. (Of a person) Not redeemed; not granted redemption or salvation; unsaved.
unredeemed adj. (Of a coupon or offer) Unspent; not used in a purchase, and thus still usable.
unredeemed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unredeem.
UNREMEDIEDunremedied adj. Not remedied.
UNREMEDIED adj. not remedied.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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