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There are 17 words containing D, 2R, S and 2W

ARROWWOODSarrowwoods n. Plural of arrowwood.
ARROWWOOD n. a shrub growing in damp woods and thickets, so called from the long, straight, slender shoots.
DRAWNWORKSDRAWNWORK n. ornamental needlework done by pulling out some of the threads of a fabric.
NORTHWESTWARDnorthwestward adj. In or toward the northwest.
northwestward adv. Toward the northwest.
NORTHWESTWARD adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARDS.
NORTHWESTWARDLYnorthwestwardly adv. Towards the northwest.
NORTHWESTWARDSnorthwestwards adj. Northwestward.
northwestwards adv. Northwestward.
NORTHWESTWARDS adv. in a northwesterly direction, also NORTHWESTWARD.
OWREWORDSOWREWORD n. (Scots) the refrain of a song, also OVERWORD.
SWEARWORDswearword n. Alternative spelling of swear word.
swear␣word n. A word considered taboo and vulgar or offensive.
SWEARWORD n. an expletive.
SWEARWORDSswearwords n. Plural of swearword an alternative form of swear word.
swear␣words n. Plural of swear word.
SWEARWORD n. an expletive.
WHITHERWARDSwhitherwards adv. In what direction; toward what or which place.
WHITHERWARDS adv. toward what or which place, also WHITHERWARD.
WINDROWERSWINDROWER n. a machine that puts hay into windrows.
WIREDRAWERSwiredrawers n. Plural of wiredrawer.
WIREDRAWER n. one who draws wire.
WIREDRAWINGSwiredrawings n. Plural of wiredrawing.
WIREDRAWING n. drawing wire by pulling through successively smaller holes in a hard steel die-block.
WIREDRAWSwiredraws v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wiredraw.
WIREDRAW v. to draw into wire.
WITHDRAWERSwithdrawers n. Plural of withdrawer.
WITHDRAWER n. one who withdraws.
WONDERWORKSwonderworks n. Plural of wonderwork.
WONDERWORK n. a prodigy, a miracle.
WOODWORKERSwoodworkers n. Plural of woodworker.
WOODWORKER n. one who works with wood.
WORDWRAPSword␣wraps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of word wrap.
WORDWRAP n. in computing, a function that shifts a word at the end of a line to a new line in order to keep within preset margins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 218 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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