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There are 14 words containing D, L, 2M, P and U

EMPLUMEDemplumed adj. Decorated with plumes; plumed.
EMPLUME v. (archaic) to provide with a plume.
PUMMELEDpummeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pummel.
PUMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also POMMEL.
PLUMDAMASPLUMDAMAS n. (Scots) a damson.
PLUMMETEDplummeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of plummet.
PLUMMET v. to drop straight down.
PUMMELLEDpummelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pummel.
PUMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also POMMEL.
IMPALUDISMimpaludism n. (Obsolete) A diseased state affecting the inhabitants of paludal, marshy areas.
IMPALUDISM n. a disease carried by insects affecting the inhabitants of marshy areas.
PLASMODIUMplasmodium n. (Biology) A mass of cytoplasm, containing many nuclei, created by the aggregation of amoeboid cells…
Plasmodium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plasmodiidae – parasitic protozoans which include those causing malaria.
PLASMODIUM n. a naked mass of protoplasm with many nuclei, as in myxomycetes.
IMPALUDISMSIMPALUDISM n. a disease carried by insects affecting the inhabitants of marshy areas.
PALUDAMENTUMpaludamentum n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A military cloak worn by a general and his principal officers.
PALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
PALUDAMENTUMSPALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
RUMBLEDETHUMPRUMBLEDETHUMP n. a Scottish dish of butter and mashed potatoes, sometimes mixed with cabbage or turnips, also RUMBLEDETHUMPS.
RUMBLEDETHUMPSrumbledethumps n. A traditional Scottish dish of potato, cabbage and onion with butter, salt and pepper.
RUMBLEDETHUMPS n. a Scottish dish of butter and mashed potatoes, sometimes mixed with cabbage or turnips, also RUMBLEDETHUMP.
UNDEREMPLOYMENTunderemployment n. The condition of being underemployed.
UNDEREMPLOYMENT n. the condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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