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There are 12 words containing D, K, N, O, T and Y

BROKENHEARTEDLYbrokenheartedly adv. In a brokenhearted manner.
broken-heartedly adv. Alternative form of brokenheartedly.
BROKENHEARTED adv. greatly depressed or hurt.
DIPHENYLKETONEdiphenylketone n. (Organic chemistry) The aromatic ketone diphenylmethanone.
DIPHENYLKETONE n. the aromatic ketone benzophenone.
DIPHENYLKETONESdiphenylketones n. Plural of diphenylketone.
DIPHENYLKETONE n. the aromatic ketone benzophenone.
HYDROKINETIChydrokinetic adj. Of or pertaining to hydrokinetics.
hydrokinetic adj. Of or pertaining to the kinetic energy of moving fluids.
HYDROKINETIC adj. of or relating to the motions of fluids or the forces which produce or affect such motions, also HYDROKINETICAL.
HYDROKINETICALhydrokinetical adj. Synonym of hydrokinetic.
HYDROKINETICAL adj. of or relating to the motions of fluids or the forces which produce or affect such motions, also HYDROKINETIC.
HYDROKINETICShydrokinetics n. (Physics) The branch of physics concerned with the movement of fluids.
HYDROKINETICS n. the study of the motion of fluids.
KANTIKOYEDKANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KEYNOTEDkeynoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of keynote.
KEYNOTE v. to deliver the main speech at a function.
KEYSTONEDkeystoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of keystone.
keystoned adj. Having a keystone.
KEYSTONE v. to produce a distortion of a television picture in which a rectangular pattern is transformed into a trapezoidal pattern.
KNOWLEDGABILITYknowledgability n. Alternative form of knowledgeability.
KNOWLEDGABILITY n. the quality of being knowledgable.
PYKNODYSOSTOSESPYKNODYSOSTOSIS n. a rare inherited bone disease characterized by short stature and thickening and fragility of the bones.
PYKNODYSOSTOSISpyknodysostosis n. Alternative form of pycnodysostosis.
PYKNODYSOSTOSIS n. a rare inherited bone disease characterized by short stature and thickening and fragility of the bones.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 434 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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