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There are 17 words containing D, I, O, P, T and W

DEWPOINTdewpoint n. (Weather) Alternative spelling of dew point.
dew␣point n. The temperature at which the air becomes saturated and water vapor condenses to form dew.
DEWPOINT n. the temperature at which dew forms.
DEWPOINTSdewpoints n. Plural of dewpoint.
dew␣points n. Plural of dew point.
DEWPOINT n. the temperature at which dew forms.
DISEMPOWERMENTdisempowerment n. (Countable) The act of disempowering.
disempowerment n. (Uncountable) The condition of being disempowered; powerlessness.
DISEMPOWERMENT n. the act of disempowering.
DISEMPOWERMENTSdisempowerments n. Plural of disempowerment.
DISEMPOWERMENT n. the act of disempowering.
POWDERIESTpowderiest adj. (Rare) superlative form of powdery: most powdery.
POWDERY adj. like powder.
SPIDERWORTspiderwort n. A perennial plant of the Tradescantia genus, found in clumps in woodland and meadow.
SPIDERWORT n. any plant of the genus Tradescantia, with deep-blue or reddish-violet flowers.
SPIDERWORTSspiderworts n. Plural of spiderwort.
SPIDERWORT n. any plant of the genus Tradescantia, with deep-blue or reddish-violet flowers.
TULIPWOODtulipwood n. The striped, variegated wood of the tulip tree.
TULIPWOOD n. the beautiful rose-colored striped wood of a Brazilian tree, much used by cabinetmakers for inlaying.
TULIPWOODStulipwoods n. Plural of tulipwood.
TULIPWOOD n. the beautiful rose-colored striped wood of a Brazilian tree, much used by cabinetmakers for inlaying.
WHIPCORDIESTWHIPCORDY adj. like whipcord, a fabric with bold twill used for making dresses.
WOODPRINTWOODPRINT n. a design cut in relief on a block of wood.
WOODPRINTSWOODPRINT n. a design cut in relief on a block of wood.
WOODSPITEWOODSPITE n. the green woodpecker.
WOODSPITESWOODSPITE n. the green woodpecker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 599 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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