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There are 6 words containing D, I, 2O and 2V

VOIVODEvoivode n. A local ruler or official in various parts of central and eastern Europe, especially early semi-independent…
voivode n. An administrative chief in modern Poland.
VOIVODE n. (Russian) originally the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces, also VAIVODE, WAIVODE, WAIWODE, WAYWODE, WOIWODE.
VOIVODESvoivodes n. Plural of voivode.
VOIVODE n. (Russian) originally the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces, also VAIVODE, WAIVODE, WAIWODE, WAYWODE, WOIWODE.
NONINVOLVEDnoninvolved adj. Not involved.
NONINVOLVED adj. not involved.
VOIVODESHIPvoivodeship n. (Countable, uncountable) The office, position, rank, or title of a voivode (“a local ruler or official…
voivodeship n. (Countable, uncountable) The jurisdiction of a voivode, comparable to a countship or a county.
voivodeship n. (Countable) The highest-level administrative subdivision of Poland, comparable to a province or state.
VOIVODESHIPSvoivodeships n. Plural of voivodeship.
VOIVODESHIP n. the office of voivode.
OVERDEVELOPINGoverdeveloping v. Present participle of overdevelop.
OVERDEVELOP v. to develop excessively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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