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There are 14 words containing D, I, 2L and 2M

MILLDAMmilldam n. Alternative form of mill dam.
mill␣dam n. A dam constructed across a river or stream to raise the water level so that it can turn a millwheel;…
MILLDAM n. a dam built to form a millpond.
MILLDAMSmilldams n. Plural of milldam.
mill␣dams n. Plural of mill dam.
MILLDAM n. a dam built to form a millpond.
GIMMALLEDGIMMALLED adj. jointed, hinged, like a gimmal, also JYMOLD.
MAMILLATEDmamillated adj. Having nipples.
MAMILLATED adj. with nipple-like projections.
MULTIMODALmultimodal adj. Having, or employing multiple modes.
MULTIMODAL adj. in many modes.
FLIMFLAMMEDflimflammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flimflam.
FLIMFLAM v. to engage in confidence trickery.
MAMMILLATEDmammillated adj. Alternative form of mammillate.
MAMMILLATED adj. with nipple-like projections, also MAMILLATE, MAMMILLATE.
MADEMOISELLEmademoiselle n. Courtesy title for an unmarried woman in France or a French-speaking country.
mademoiselle n. (Humorous or affected) A young woman or girl, especially one who is French or French-speaking.
Mademoiselle n. Alternative letter-case form of mademoiselle.
MADEMOISELLESmademoiselles n. Plural of mademoiselle.
Mademoiselles n. Plural of Mademoiselle.
MADEMOISELLE n. (French) a French title of respect for an unmarried woman.
IMMETHODICALLYimmethodically adv. Unmethodically.
IMMETHODICAL adv. not methodical.
MEDICAMENTALLYmedicamentally adv. In terms of medicinal properties.
MEDICAMENTAL adv. relating to medicaments, also MEDICAMENTARY.
MESDEMOISELLESmesdemoiselles n. Plural of mademoiselle.
Mesdemoiselles n. Plural of Mademoiselle.
MADEMOISELLE n. (French) a French title of respect for an unmarried woman.
SIMPLEMINDEDLYsimplemindedly adv. In a simpleminded manner.
simple-mindedly adv. In a simple-minded manner. Lacking sophistication or intelligence.
SIMPLEMINDED adv. devoid of subtlety.
HEMODYNAMICALLYhemodynamically adv. With regard to hemodynamics.
HEMODYNAMIC adv. relating to hemodynamics, also HAEMODYNAMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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