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There are 16 words containing D, I, K, 2N and P

CLINOPINAKOIDCLINOPINAKOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINACOID.
CLINOPINAKOIDSCLINOPINAKOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINACOID.
DIPHENYLKETONEdiphenylketone n. (Organic chemistry) The aromatic ketone diphenylmethanone.
DIPHENYLKETONE n. the aromatic ketone benzophenone.
DIPHENYLKETONESdiphenylketones n. Plural of diphenylketone.
DIPHENYLKETONE n. the aromatic ketone benzophenone.
HANDPICKINGhandpicking v. Present participle of handpick.
hand-picking v. Present participle of hand-pick.
HANDPICK v. to choose carefully.
KIDNAPINGkidnaping v. (US) present participle of kidnap.
kidnaping v. (US) Alternative spelling of kidnapping.
kidnaping n. (US, proscribed) Alternative spelling of kidnapping.
KIDNAPINGSkidnapings n. Plural of kidnaping.
KIDNAPING n. an act of kidnaping.
KIDNAPPINGkidnapping v. Present participle of kidnap.
kidnapping n. (Crime) The crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom.
KIDNAPPING n. the act of kidnapping.
KIDNAPPINGSkidnappings n. Plural of kidnapping.
KIDNAPPING n. the act of kidnapping.
PINKENEDpinkened v. Simple past tense and past participle of pinken.
PINKEN v. to become pink.
PREKINDERGARTENprekindergarten adj. Before kindergarten, or not yet old enough to attend it.
prekindergarten n. (US) The first formal academic learning environment for children, before kindergarten.
PREKINDERGARTEN n. a nursery school.
SPINDLESHANKSspindleshanks n. (Archaic, derogatory) A thin, lanky person with long legs.
SPINDLESHANKS n. long thin legs; a person who has these, also SPINDLELEGS.
UNDERKEEPINGunderkeeping v. Present participle of underkeep.
UNDERKEEP v. (Spenser) to keep under; to suppress.
UNPINKEDunpinked adj. Not pinked; of clothing or fabric, not ornamented with holes or scallops.
UNPINKED adj. (Shakespeare) not pinked, i.e. not ornamented with punched holes, also UNPINKT.
UNSPRINKLEDunsprinkled adj. Not having been sprinkled.
UNSPRINKLED adj. not sprinkled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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