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There are 20 words containing D, H, R, S, W and Y

HAYWARDShaywards n. Plural of hayward.
Haywards prop.n. A small suburb in the Hutt Valley, Wellington region, New Zealand.
Haywards n. Plural of Hayward.
ROWDYISHrowdyish adj. Resembling a rowdy in temper or conduct; characteristic of a rowdy.
ROWDYISH adj. somewhat rowdy.
SHOWYARDshowyard n. An enclosed yard where livestock is exhibited.
SHOWYARD n. a yard for cattle shows.
SHREWDLYshrewdly adv. In a shrewd manner.
SHREWD adv. having keen insight.
SHOWYARDSshowyards n. Plural of showyard.
SHOWYARD n. a yard for cattle shows.
WHINYARDSwhinyards n. Plural of whinyard.
WHINYARD n. (historical) a short sword or dirk, also WHINIARD.
DWARFISHLYdwarfishly adv. In a dwarfish manner.
DWARFISH adv. like a dwarf.
HANDYWORKShandyworks n. Plural of handywork.
HANDYWORK n. work done by the hands or by direct personal agency, also HANDIWORK, HANDWORK.
SWITCHYARDswitchyard n. Part of a railway with an arrangement of switches (or points) allowing trains to be diverted and reassembled.
SWITCHYARD n. an enclosed area for the switching facilities of a power station.
BREADTHWAYSbreadthways adv. Breadthwise.
BREADTHWAYS adv. in terms of breadth, broadside on, also BREADTHWISE.
CHERRYWOODSSorry, definition not available.
SOUTHWARDLYsouthwardly adv. Southwards, towards the south.
southwardly adj. Southwards, towards the south.
SOUTHWARDLY adv. in a southward direction.
SWITCHYARDSswitchyards n. Plural of switchyard.
SWITCHYARD n. an enclosed area for the switching facilities of a power station.
WHIRLYBIRDSwhirlybirds n. Plural of whirlybird.
WHIRLYBIRD n. (slang) a helicopter.
SHADOWGRAPHYshadowgraphy n. The creation of shadowgraph images.
shadowgraphy n. The selective blocking of a light source in order to produce the silhouettes of animals, etc. as a form…
SHADOWGRAPHY n. the making of images by shadowgraph.
WORDSMITHERYwordsmithery n. The work of a wordsmith; skilful use of words.
WORDSMITHERY n. the craft of the wordsmith.
NORTHEASTWARDLYnortheastwardly adv. Towards the northeast.
NORTHEASTWARDLY adv. in a northeasterly direction.
NORTHWESTWARDLYnorthwestwardly adv. Towards the northwest.
SOUTHWESTWARDLYsouthwestwardly adv. Toward the southwest.
SOUTHWESTWARDLY adv. in a southwesterly direction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 292 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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