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There are 16 words containing D, H, 2L, M and U

FLANNELMOUTHEDflannelmouthed adj. Alternative form of flannel-mouthed.
flannel-mouthed adj. Possessing, characterized by, or in the manner of speaking of a flannelmouth.
FLANNELMOUTHED adj. speaking indistinctly.
FULLMOUTHEDfull-mouthed adj. Of a sheep: having developed all of its permanent teeth.
FULLMOUTHED adj. having a full complement of teeth.
GALLUMPHEDgallumphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gallumph.
GALLUMPH v. to move with a clumsy heavy tread, also GALUMPH.
HUMMELLEDhummelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of hummel.
HUMMEL v. to make hornless.
HYDROMETALLURGYhydrometallurgy n. The field of extractive metallurgy involving the use of aqueous chemistry for the recovery of metals…
HYDROMETALLURGY n. the treatment of ores by wet processes (as leaching).
MONOHULLEDmonohulled adj. (Nautical) Having a single hull.
MUDDLEHEADEDLYmuddleheadedly adv. In a muddleheaded manner.
MUDDLEHEADED adv. mentally confused.
MULLAHEDmullahed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mullah.
MULLAH v. to inflict a severe defeat upon, also MULLER.
MULTIHULLEDmultihulled adj. (Nautical) Having more than one hull.
PHYLLODIUMphyllodium n. (Botany) A petiole dilated into the form of a blade, and usually with vertical edges, as in the Australian acacias.
PHYLLODIUM n. a petiole dilated into the form of a blade, and usually with vertical edges, as in the Australian acacias.
PODOPHYLLUMpodophyllum n. (Botany) Any of the genus Podophyllum of herbaceous perennial plants in the family Berberidaceae, with…
podophyllum n. The rhizome and rootlet of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), used as a cathartic drug.
Podophyllum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Berberidaceae – American mandrake.
PODOPHYLLUMSpodophyllums n. Plural of podophyllum.
PODOPHYLLUM n. the dried rootlet and rhizome of the mayapple, used as a caustic.
RHEUMATOIDALLYRHEUMATOID adv. characteristic of or affected with rheumatoid arthritis.
SULPHANILAMIDEsulphanilamide n. (British spelling, pharmacology) The amide of sulphanilic acid, used to treat streptococcal infections;…
SULPHANILAMIDE n. a white crystalline compound formerly used as an antibacterial drug.
SULPHANILAMIDESsulphanilamides n. Plural of sulphanilamide.
SULPHANILAMIDE n. a white crystalline compound formerly used as an antibacterial drug.
UNEMBELLISHEDunembellished adj. Plain, unadorned, or simple.
UNEMBELLISHED adj. not embellished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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