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There are 11 words containing D, G, 2M, R and U

DISIMMURINGDISIMMURE v. to liberate; to release from walls.
DRUMMINGdrumming n. The act of beating a drum.
drumming n. A noise resembling that of a drum being beaten.
drumming n. In many species of catfish, the sound produced by contraction of specialized sonic muscles with subsequent…
DRUMMINGSdrummings n. Plural of drumming.
DRUMMING n. the sound made by a drum.
GOURMANDISMgourmandism n. A passion for and deep interest in good food.
gourmandism n. Gluttony.
GOURMANDISM n. the state of being a gourmand.
GOURMANDISMSGOURMANDISM n. the state of being a gourmand.
GRUMMETEDGRUMMET v. to fit with grummets, also GROMMET, GROMET.
HUMMINGBIRDhummingbird n. Any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae that have the ability to hover.
humming-bird n. Alternative form of hummingbird.
humming␣bird n. Alternative form of hummingbird.
HUMMINGBIRDShummingbirds n. Plural of hummingbird.
humming-birds n. Plural of humming-bird.
humming␣birds n. Plural of humming bird.
RUMMAGEDrummaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of rummage.
RUMMAGE v. to search thoroughly through.
SCRUMMAGEDscrummaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of scrummage.
SCRUMMAGE v. to engage in a scrummage, also SCRIMMAGE, SKRIMMAGE.
UNPROGRAMMEDunprogrammed adj. Not programmed.
unprogrammed adj. (Quakerism) Having religious services that take the form of silent group meditation.
UNPROGRAMMED adj. not programmed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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