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There are 18 words containing D, G, I, 2T and V

VIGNETTEDvignetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of vignette.
VIGNETTE v. to make a vignette of.
GRAVITATEDgravitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of gravitate.
GRAVITATE v. to move under the influence of gravitation.
TIDIVATINGtidivating v. Present participle of tidivate.
TIDIVATE v. to smarten up.
DEGLUTITIVEdeglutitive adj. (Medicine) Relating to the action or process of swallowing.
DEGLUTITIVE adj. relating to deglutition, also DEGLUTITORY.
DEVASTATINGdevastating adj. Causing devastation.
devastating v. Present participle of devastate.
DEVASTATING adj. overpoweringly effective.
DEACTIVATINGdeactivating v. Present participle of deactivate.
DEACTIVATE v. to make inactive or ineffective.
DEMOTIVATINGdemotivating v. Present participle of demotivate.
DEMOTIVATE v. to remove motivation from.
INVESTIGATEDinvestigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of investigate.
INVESTIGATE v. to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry.
DEVASTATINGLYdevastatingly adv. In a devastating manner.
DEVASTATING adv. overpoweringly effective.
OVERTIGHTENEDovertightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtighten.
OVERTIGHTEN v. to tighten to excess.
TERGIVERSATEDtergiversated v. Simple past tense and past participle of tergiversate.
TERGIVERSATE v. to turn one's back on one's party or cause; also, to make evasive statements or equivocate.
VITILITIGATEDVITILITIGATE v. to be particularly quarrelsome.
DISINTEGRATIVEdisintegrative adj. Losing cohesion or unity.
disintegrative adj. (Psychology) Having disorganized psychological and behavioral processes.
DISINTEGRATIVE adj. tending to disintegrate.
REDINTEGRATIVEredintegrative adj. Relating to redintegration.
REDINTEGRATIVE adj. relating to redintegration.
REINVESTIGATEDreinvestigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinvestigate.
REINVESTIGATE v. to investigate again.
TENDOVAGINITIStendovaginitis n. (Pathology, dated) Synonym of tenosynovitis.
TENDOVAGINITIS n. inflammation or thickening of the fibrous wall of the sheath surrounding a tendon, esp. in the hand, also TENOVAGINITIS.
RADIOACTIVATINGradioactivating v. Present participle of radioactivate.
radioactivating n. The act of making something radioactive; radioactivation.
radioactivating adj. That makes something radioactive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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