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There are 18 words containing D, F, 2R and 2U

DESULFURISERDESULFURISER n. a device for removing sulfur, also DESULFURIZER.
DESULFURISERSDESULFURISER n. a device for removing sulfur, also DESULFURIZER.
DESULFURIZERDESULFURIZER n. something for removing sulfur, also DESULFURISER.
DESULFURIZERSDESULFURIZER n. something for removing sulfur, also DESULFURISER.
FURFURALDEHYDEfurfuraldehyde n. (Organic chemistry) furfural.
FURFURALDEHYDE n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFUROL, FURFUROLE, FUROL, FUROLE.
FURFURALDEHYDESFURFURALDEHYDE n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFUROL, FURFUROLE, FUROL, FUROLE.
PREMANUFACTUREDpremanufactured v. Simple past tense and past participle of premanufacture.
PREMANUFACTURE v. to manufacture in advance.
QUADRIFARIOUSquadrifarious adj. (Botany) Arranged in four rows or ranks.
QUADRIFARIOUS adj. arranged in four close-set rows along the stem.
REMANUFACTUREDremanufactured v. Simple past tense and past participle of remanufacture.
remanufactured adj. Having the property of having undergone remanufacture.
REMANUFACTURE v. to manufacture into a new product.
RUTHERFORDIUMrutherfordium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Rf) with an atomic number of 104.
rutherfordium n. (Obsolete) A rejected name for seaborgium.
rutherfordium n. (Obsolete) A rejected name for lawrencium.
RUTHERFORDIUMSRUTHERFORDIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
SUDORIFEROUSsudoriferous adj. Bearing sweat; sweating, sweaty.
SUDORIFEROUS adj. inducing or secreting sweat.
UNDERFURunderfur n. The thick, soft undercoat of some mammals, especially those that spend time in the water.
UNDERFUR n. the thick, soft fur beneath the outer coat of certain mammals.
UNDERFURSunderfurs n. Plural of underfur.
UNDERFUR n. the thick, soft fur beneath the outer coat of certain mammals.
UNDERSURFACEundersurface n. The underneath surface; the bottom, or underside.
UNDERSURFACE n. an underside.
UNDERSURFACESundersurfaces n. Plural of undersurface.
UNDERSURFACE n. an underside.
UNFURREDunfurred adj. Not furred.
unfurred v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfur.
UNFURRED adj. without fur.
UNFURROWEDunfurrowed adj. Not furrowed.
UNFURROWED adj. not furrowed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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