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There are 16 words containing D, F, I, K, L and S

BACKFIELDSbackfields n. Plural of backfield.
BACKFIELD n. in American football, the backs collectively.
BRICKFIELDERSbrickfielders n. Plural of brickfielder.
BRICKFIELDER n. a hot dry wind in Australia.
BRICKFIELDSbrickfields n. Plural of brickfield.
BRICKFIELD n. a brickyard.
DISLIKEFULdislikeful adj. (Obsolete) Unpleasant; disagreeable.
DISLIKEFUL adj. full of dislike.
DISTELFINKdistelfink n. A stylized goldfinch in Pennsylvania Dutch folk art, representing happiness and good fortune.
DISTELFINK n. (Dutch) a traditional Pennsylvanian Dutch design motif in the form of a stylised bird.
DISTELFINKSdistelfinks n. Plural of distelfink.
DISTELFINK n. (Dutch) a traditional Pennsylvanian Dutch design motif in the form of a stylised bird.
FIDDLEBACKSfiddlebacks n. Plural of fiddleback.
FIDDLEBACK n. a wavy grain found in some woods commonly used for the manufacture of violins.
FIDDLENECKSfiddlenecks n. Plural of fiddleneck.
FIDDLENECK n. one of the young unfurling fronds of ferns that are sometimes eaten, also FIDDLEHEAD.
FIDDLESTICKfiddlestick n. One of a pair of sticks, similar to drumsticks, used by a second player to percuss the strings of a…
fiddlestick n. A bow used to play the fiddle.
fiddlestick n. A whit; a jot.
FIDDLESTICKSfiddlesticks interj. (Euphemistic) Nonsense! Expresses dismissal or disdain.
fiddlesticks interj. (Euphemistic) Darn! Expresses mild dismay or annoyance.
fiddlesticks n. Plural of fiddlestick.
FIELDWORKERSfieldworkers n. Plural of fieldworker.
FIELDWORKER n. one who works in the fields.
FIELDWORKSfieldworks n. Plural of fieldwork.
field␣works n. Plural of field work.
FIELDWORK n. work (scientific surveying, etc.) in the field, as opposed to in a laboratory, office, etc.
FLISKEDflisked v. Simple past tense and past participle of flisk.
FLISK v. (Scots) to caper about.
FRIKKADELSfrikkadels n. Plural of frikkadel.
FRIKKADEL n. (South African) a fried ball of mincemeat, also FRICADEL.
SKIFFLEDSKIFFLE v. to play a particular style of music.
SKLIFFEDSKLIFF v. (Scots) to shuffle (the feet), also SCLIFF.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 372 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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