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There are 15 words containing D, 2F, I and 2O

AFFICIONADOafficionado n. Alternative spelling of aficionado (“one who likes, knows about, and appreciates an interest”).
AFFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFICIONADO.
AFFICIONADOSafficionados n. Plural of afficionado.
AFFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFICIONADO.
AFFOORDINGaffoording v. Present participle of affoord.
AFFOORD v. (Spenser) to afford.
AGRIFOODSTUFFSagrifoodstuffs n. Plural of agrifoodstuff.
AGRIFOODSTUFFS n. the foods produced by agriculture.
FIREFLOODFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
FIREFLOODSFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
FIREPROOFEDfireproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fireproof.
FIREPROOF v. to make proof against fire.
FRONDIFEROUSfrondiferous adj. Producing fronds.
FRONDIFEROUS adj. bearing or producing fronds.
IMMUNODIFFUSIONimmunodiffusion n. A technique used to detect the reaction between an antigen and an antibody by observing the behavior…
IMMUNODIFFUSION n. any of various analytical techniques that involve antigen and antibody solutions diffusing toward each other in a gel until antibody binds specifically to antigen to form a precipitate.
OFFICEHOLDERofficeholder n. A person who holds an office, especially one appointed or elected to a public office; an incumbent.
office-holder n. Alternative form of officeholder.
office␣holder n. Alternative form of officeholder.
OFFICEHOLDERSofficeholders n. Plural of officeholder.
office-holders n. Plural of office-holder.
office␣holders n. Plural of office holder.
OFFICIALDOMofficialdom n. The people elected to government or employed in the civil service.
OFFICIALDOM n. officials as a class.
OFFICIALDOMSofficialdoms n. Plural of officialdom.
OFFICIALDOM n. officials as a class.
OFFLOADINGoffloading v. Present participle of offload.
offloading n. The act by which something is offloaded.
off-loading v. Present participle of off-load.
OVEROFFICEDOVEROFFICE v. to domineer over by virtue of office.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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