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There are 15 words containing D, E, Q, S, U and Y

DESQUAMATORYdesquamatory adj. (Surgery) Relating to the removal of the laminae of exfoliated bones.
DESQUAMATORY n. an obsolete surgical instrument once used for the desquamation of bones.
DISQUIETEDLYDISQUIETED adv. DISQUIET, to deprive of quiet, rest, or peace.
DISQUIETINGLYdisquietingly adv. In a disquieting manner.
DISQUIETING adv. DISQUIET, to deprive of quiet, rest, or peace.
DISQUIETLYdisquietly adv. In a disquiet manner.
DISQUIET adv. not quiet.
EQUIDISTANTLYequidistantly adv. In an equidistant manner or to an equidistant degree.
EQUIDISTANT adv. equally distant.
HYDROQUINONEShydroquinones n. Plural of hydroquinone.
HYDROQUINONE n. another name for quinol.
PHYSIQUEDphysiqued adj. Having a specified kind of physique.
PHYSIQUED adj. having a particular physique.
QUADRISYLLABLEquadrisyllable n. A word of four syllables.
QUADRISYLLABLE n. a tetrasyllable.
QUADRISYLLABLESquadrisyllables n. Plural of quadrisyllable.
QUADRISYLLABLE n. a tetrasyllable.
QUAYSIDEquayside n. (Also attributive) An area alongside a quay.
QUAYSIDE n. the side of a quay, a wharf for the loading or unloading of vessels.
QUAYSIDESquaysides n. Plural of quayside.
QUAYSIDE n. the side of a quay, a wharf for the loading or unloading of vessels.
SESQUIPEDALITYsesquipedality n. An instance or condition of being sesquipedalian.
SESQUIPEDALITY n. the practice of using long words.
SQUANDERINGLYsquanderingly adv. So as to squander; wastefully.
SURQUEDRYsurquedry n. (Obsolete) Overweening pride; arrogance.
SURQUEDRY n. (obsolete) arrogance; haughty pride, also SURQUEDY.
SURQUEDYsurquedy n. Alternative form of surquedry.
SURQUEDY n. (obsolete) arrogance; haughty pride, also SURQUEDRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 188 words
  • Scrabble in French: 244 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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