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There are 20 words containing D, E, K, S and 2U

UNHUSKEDunhusked v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhusk.
unhusked adj. Without a husk.
unhusked adj. Having the husk on; still on the husk; not husked.
UNSUCKEDunsucked adj. Not sucked.
UNSUCKED adj. not sucked.
OUTSULKEDoutsulked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsulk.
OUTSULK v. to surpass in sulking.
NUMSKULLEDnumskulled adj. Alternative form of numbskulled.
NUMSKULLED adj. stupid; doltish, also NUMBSKULLED.
TURDUCKENSturduckens n. Plural of turducken.
TURDUCKEN n. a dish consisting of a partially deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small deboned chicken.
DUNDERFUNKSDUNDERFUNK n. ship's biscuit soaked in water and mixed with fat and molasses, also DANDYFUNK.
KUMMERBUNDSkummerbunds n. Plural of kummerbund.
KUMMERBUND n. (Hindi) a waistband, a sash, also CUMBERBUND, CUMMERBUND.
NUMBSKULLEDnumbskulled adj. (Informal) stupid.
NUMBSKULLED adj. stupid, doltish, also NUMSKULLED.
SKULDUDDERYSKULDUDDERY n. (Scots) a breach of chastity; bawdy talk, also SCULDUDDERY, SCULDUDDRY.
SKULDUGGERYskulduggery n. (Countable) A devious device or trick.
skulduggery n. (Uncountable) Dishonest, underhanded, or unscrupulous activities or behaviour.
SKULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
DRUNKALOGUESdrunkalogues n. Plural of drunkalogue.
DRUNKALOGUE n. an account of a person's problems with alcohol.
SKULLDUGGERYskullduggery n. Alternative spelling of skulduggery (US) in.
SKULLDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULDUGGERY.
SKUTTERUDITEskutterudite n. (Mineralogy) A class of mixed cobalt and nickel arsenide and sulfide minerals.
SKUTTERUDITE n. a cubic mineral, cobalt arsenide.
KNUCKLEDUSTERknuckleduster n. Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.
knuckle-duster n. Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.
knuckle␣duster n. (Britain, Australia) A weapon made of metal worn around the knuckles that strengthens the impact of…
SKULDUDDERIESSKULDUDDERY n. (Scots) a breach of chastity; bawdy talk, also SCULDUDDERY, SCULDUDDRY.
SKULDUGGERIESskulduggeries n. Plural of skulduggery.
SKULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
SKUTTERUDITESskutterudites n. Plural of skutterudite.
SKUTTERUDITE n. a cubic mineral, cobalt arsenide.
THUNDERSTRUCKthunderstruck adj. Astonished, amazed or so suddenly surprised as to be unable to speak.
THUNDERSTRIKE v. to strike dumb.
KNUCKLEDUSTERSknuckledusters n. Plural of knuckleduster.
knuckle-dusters n. Plural of knuckle-duster.
knuckle␣dusters n. Plural of knuckle duster.
SKULLDUGGERIESskullduggeries n. Plural of skullduggery.
SKULLDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULDUGGERY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 262 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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