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There are 15 words containing D, E, K, L, M and T

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTacknowledgement n. (Most common British spelling, also sometimes used in the US) Alternative spelling of acknowledgment.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT n. the act of acknowledging, also ACKNOWLEDGMENT.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTacknowledgment n. The act of acknowledging.
acknowledgment n. The act of recognizing in a particular character or relationship; recognition of existence, authority…
acknowledgment n. A reward or other expression or token of gratitude.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSacknowledgments n. Plural of acknowledgment.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT n. the act of acknowledging, also ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
KETTLEDRUMkettledrum n. (Music) A large hemispherical brass percussion instrument (one of the timpani) with a drumhead that…
kettledrum n. (Dated) An informal social party at which a light collation is offered, held in the afternoon or early evening.
kettle-drum n. Alternative form of kettledrum.
KETTLEDRUMMERkettledrummer n. A musician who plays the kettledrum.
KETTLEDRUMMER n. one who plays the kettledrums.
KETTLEDRUMMERSkettledrummers n. Plural of kettledrummer.
KETTLEDRUMMER n. one who plays the kettledrums.
KETTLEDRUMSkettledrums n. Plural of kettledrum.
kettle-drums n. Plural of kettle-drum.
kettle␣drums n. Plural of kettle drum.
MIDDELSKOTMIDDELSKOT n. (South African) an intermediate payment to a farmer for a crop or wool-clip.
MIDDELSKOTSMIDDELSKOT n. (South African) an intermediate payment to a farmer for a crop or wool-clip.
MULTISKILLEDmultiskilled adj. Having multiple skills.
MULTISKILL v. to train (employees) in several skills.
MULTITASKEDmultitasked v. Simple past tense and past participle of multitask.
MULTITASK v. to work at several different tasks simultaneously.
MULTITRACKEDmultitracked adj. (Music) Recorded on multiple tracks.
MULTITRACK v. to make a recording using many tracks.
PLATEMARKEDPLATEMARK v. to mark with a platemark.
TELEMARKEDtelemarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of telemark.
TELEMARK v. to make this kind of skiing turn.
TRADESMANLIKEtradesmanlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a tradesman.
TRADESMANLIKE adj. like a tradesman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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