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There are 20 words containing D, E, F, G, O and P

DROPFORGEDROPFORGE v. to forge metal between two dies.
POWFAGGEDpowfagged adj. (Northern England) exhausted.
POWFAGGED adj. (dialect) exhausted.
DROPFORGEDdrop-forged adj. A workpiece that has been treated with drop forging.
DROPFORGE v. to forge metal between two dies.
DROPFORGESDROPFORGE v. to forge metal between two dies.
FRONTPAGEDFRONTPAGE v. to put on the front page of a newspaper.
FORSPENDINGforspending v. Present participle of forspend.
FORSPEND v. to wear out, also FORESPEND.
LEAPFROGGEDleapfrogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of leapfrog.
leap-frogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of leap-frog.
LEAPFROG v. to jump over with the legs apart.
PETTIFOGGEDpettifogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pettifog.
PETTIFOG v. to quibble.
FORESPENDINGforespending v. Present participle of forespend.
FORESPEND v. to wear out physically, also FORSPEND.
PREMODIFYINGpremodifying v. Present participle of premodify.
PREMODIFY v. to modify beforehand.
PROOFREADINGproofreading v. Present participle of proofread.
proofreading n. The act or process by which a document is proofread.
proof-reading v. Present participle of proof-read.
TYPEFOUNDINGtypefounding n. Traditional printing with physical type.
TYPEFOUNDING n. the casting of printers' type.
DISPROFESSINGdisprofessing v. Present participle of disprofess.
DISPROFESS v. to renounce the profession or pursuit of.
PRECONFIGUREDpreconfigured v. Simple past tense and past participle of preconfigure.
PROOFREADINGSproofreadings n. Plural of proofreading.
PROOFREADING n. the process of reading to check for mistakes.
TYPEFOUNDINGSTYPEFOUNDING n. the casting of printers' type.
DRAUGHTPROOFEDdraughtproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of draughtproof.
DRAUGHTPROOF v. to make proof against draughts.
GOODFELLOWSHIPgood-fellowship n. The spirit of goodwill that exists among friends; comradeship.
GOODFELLOWSHIP n. the office of goodfellow.
GOODFELLOWSHIPSGOODFELLOWSHIP n. the office of goodfellow.
UNDERPERFORMINGunderperforming v. Present participle of underperform.
underperforming adj. That performs less well than required.
UNDERPERFORM v. to perform insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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