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There are 20 words containing D, 2E, F, U and V

ADVENTUREFULadventureful adj. Given to adventure.
ADVENTUREFUL adj. daring.
DEFUNCTIVEdefunctive adj. (Archaic) funereal.
DEFUNCTIVE adj. relating to the dead.
DEVICEFULdeviceful adj. (Now rare) Full of devices; inventive.
DEVICEFUL adj. (Spenser) full of devices, inventive.
DIFFUSIVENESSdiffusiveness n. The state or quality of being diffusive.
DIFFUSIVENESS n. the state of being diffusive.
DIFFUSIVENESSESdiffusivenesses n. Plural of diffusiveness.
DIFFUSIVENESS n. the state of being diffusive.
FAVOUREDNESSfavouredness n. (Chiefly in combination) Quality of being favoured.
FAVOUREDNESS n. the state of being favoured.
FAVOUREDNESSESFAVOUREDNESS n. the state of being favoured.
FOREVOUCHEDforevouched adj. Avowed or affirmed in advance.
FOREVOUCHED adj. (Shakespeare) affirmed or held before.
OVERFATIGUEDoverfatigued v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfatigue.
OVERFATIGUED adj. excessively fatigued.
OVERFAVOUREDoverfavoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfavour.
OVERFAVOUR v. to favour excessively.
OVERFLOURISHEDoverflourished v. Simple past tense and past participle of overflourish.
OVERFLOURISH v. to cover with blossom, or with flourishes or ornament.
OVERFOCUSEDoverfocused v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfocus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
OVERFOCUSSEDoverfocussed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfocus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
OVERFULFILLEDoverfulfilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfulfil.
OVERFULFILL v. to fulfill to excess.
OVERFUNDEDoverfunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfund.
OVERFUND v. to fund more than required.
OVERQUALIFIEDoverqualified adj. Having too many qualifications to be deemed appropriate for a (usually unskilled) job.
OVERQUALIFIED adj. having more education, training, or experience than a job calls for.
OVERRUFFEDoverruffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overruff.
OVERRUFF v. at cards, to trump with a higher card than those already played.
OVERSTUFFEDoverstuffed adj. Filled beyond capacity.
overstuffed adj. Of a piece of upholstered furniture, such as a chair or sofa: Covered completely and deeply with upholstery…
overstuffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstuff.
UNDIVERSIFIEDundiversified adj. Not diversified.
UNDIVERSIFIED adj. not diversified.
UNVERIFIEDunverified adj. Not (yet) confirmed; not verified.
UNVERIFIED adj. not verified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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