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There are 18 words containing 2D, 2N, U and W

CROWDFUNDINGcrowdfunding n. (Finance) Funding by many individuals pooling their money together for a common goal, usually via the Internet.
CROWDFUNDING n. the practice of soliciting financial contributions from a large number of people especially from the online community.
CROWDFUNDINGSCROWDFUNDING n. the practice of soliciting financial contributions from a large number of people especially from the online community.
DOWNBOUNDdownbound adj. Moving in a direction that is considered down, such as downstream or to a lower level.
downbound adv. Moving down.
DOWNBOUND adj. of e.g. a train, heading in a southerly directio.
DOWNTURNEDdownturned adj. Turned downwards.
DOWNTURNED adj. turned down.
SUNDOWNEDsundowned v. Simple past tense and past participle of sundown.
SUNDOWN v. to arrive at a place to stay too late to do any work.
UNACKNOWLEDGEDunacknowledged adj. Not acknowledged.
UNACKNOWLEDGED adj. not acknowledged.
UNDERDRAWINGunderdrawing n. (Art) A sketch done on the ground of a painting before paint is applied.
UNDERDRAWING n. the act of underdrawing.
UNDERDRAWINGSunderdrawings n. Plural of underdrawing.
UNDERDRAWING n. the act of underdrawing.
UNDERDRAWNunderdrawn v. Past participle of underdraw.
UNDERDRAW v. to draw or describe with moderation or reticence.
UNDROWNEDundrowned adj. Not drowned.
UNDROWNED adj. not drowned.
UNENDOWEDunendowed adj. Not endowed.
unendowed adj. Lacking an endowment.
UNENDOWED adj. not endowed.
UNSWADDLINGunswaddling v. Present participle of unswaddle.
UNSWADDLE v. to take a swaddle from; to unswathe.
UNWOUNDEDunwounded adj. Not wounded.
UNWOUNDED adj. not wounded.
WINDBOUNDwindbound adj. (Nautical) Unable to sail because of high winds, or of onshore winds.
WINDBOUND adj. hindered from sailing by contrary winds.
WINDBURNEDwindburned adj. Of people or body parts: suffering from windburn.
windburned adj. Of plants: dried or damaged by the wind.
WINDBURN v. to cause irritation to the skin by wind.
WUNDERKINDwunderkind n. A child prodigy; a phenom.
wunderkind n. A highly talented or gifted individual, especially one who is successful at a young age.
Wunderkind n. Alternative letter-case form of wunderkind.
WUNDERKINDERwunderkinder n. Plural of wunderkind.
Wunderkinder n. Plural of Wunderkind.
Wünderkinder n. Plural of Wünderkind.
WUNDERKINDSwunderkinds n. Plural of wunderkind.
Wunderkinds n. Plural of Wunderkind.
WUNDERKIND n. (German) a child prodigy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 252 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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