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There are 20 words containing 2D, G, I, R and W

ADWARDINGadwarding v. Present participle of adward.
ADWARD v. (Spenser) to award.
CROWDFUNDINGcrowdfunding n. (Finance) Funding by many individuals pooling their money together for a common goal, usually via the Internet.
CROWDFUNDING n. the practice of soliciting financial contributions from a large number of people especially from the online community.
CROWDFUNDINGSCROWDFUNDING n. the practice of soliciting financial contributions from a large number of people especially from the online community.
DOWNGRADINGdowngrading v. Present participle of downgrade.
downgrading n. A downgrade; a reduction of a rating, as a financial or credit rating.
DOWNGRADE v. to relegate to an inferior status.
DOWNTRENDINGdowntrending v. Present participle of downtrend.
DOWNTREND v. to tend in a downward direction.
DRAWBRIDGEdrawbridge n. A hinged bridge which can be raised (to prevent its being crossed, as across a moat, or to allow watercraft…
draw-bridge n. Alternative spelling of drawbridge.
draw␣bridge n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of drawbridge.
DRAWBRIDGESdrawbridges n. Plural of drawbridge.
draw␣bridges n. Plural of draw bridge.
DRAWBRIDGE n. a bridge that can be drawn up or let down as required.
DROWNDINGdrownding v. Present participle of drownd.
DROWND v. (colloquial) to drown.
GUIDEWORDguideword n. A watchword; a word or phrase that serves as one’s guide.
guideword n. (Publishing) A word that is printed at the top or bottom of the page in a reference work, in order to…
guideword n. (Chiefly business) Any of the words in a memo or email that define metadata regarding the message, such…
GUIDEWORDSguidewords n. Plural of guideword.
guide␣words n. Plural of guide word.
GUIDEWORD n. a word at the top of a dictionary page indicating the first word on the page.
HUNDREDWEIGHThundredweight n. A measure of weight containing a hundred pounds, variously understood as.
HUNDREDWEIGHT n. 1/20 of a ton, or 112lb. avoirdupois.
HUNDREDWEIGHTShundredweights n. Plural of hundredweight.
HUNDREDWEIGHT n. 1/20 of a ton, or 112lb. avoirdupois.
REWEDDINGrewedding v. Present participle of rewed.
REWED v. to wed again.
RIGWIDDIErigwiddie n. Alternative form of rigwoodie.
RIGWIDDIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWOODIE.
RIGWIDDIESrigwiddies n. Plural of rigwiddie.
rigwiddies n. Plural of rigwiddy.
RIGWIDDIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWOODIE.
ROWDYDOWINGROWDYDOW v. to make a hullabaloo.
UNDERDRAWINGunderdrawing n. (Art) A sketch done on the ground of a painting before paint is applied.
UNDERDRAWING n. the act of underdrawing.
UNDERDRAWINGSunderdrawings n. Plural of underdrawing.
UNDERDRAWING n. the act of underdrawing.
WEDDERINGWEDDER v. (dialect) to weather.
WHIDDERINGWHIDDER v. (Scots) to whiz, also WHID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 372 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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