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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing D, N, P, S, T and U

DEPURANTSdepurants n. Plural of depurant.
DEPURANT n. a purifying agent, also DEPURATIVE.
DISPUTANTdisputant n. A participant in a dispute.
disputant adj. Disputing; engaged in controversy.
DISPUTANT n. one who disputes.
DISPUTINGdisputing v. Present participle of dispute.
disputing n. Dispute; argument.
DISPUTE v. to argue about.
DOWNSPOUTdownspout n. A vertical pipe or conduit that carries rainwater from the scupper, guttering of a building to a lower…
DOWNSPOUT n. (US) a drainpipe.
OUTSPENDSoutspends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outspend.
OUTSPEND v. to exceed the limits of in spending.
SANDSPOUTsandspout n. A spout-like formation of sand raised by a whirlwind.
sand-spout n. Alternative form of sandspout.
SANDSPOUT n. a moving pillar of sand drawn up in a whirlwind.
SOUNDPOSTsoundpost n. Alternative spelling of sound post.
sound␣post n. (Lutherie) A wooden rod located inside the body of a violin-family instrument, close to the treble-side bridge foot.
SOUNDPOST n. a small post on guitars, violins etc. that joins the front surface to the back.
SUPINATEDsupinated adj. (Anatomy) Having one’s hand and forearm rotated so that the palm faces in the same direction as the…
supinated adj. (Anatomy) Having one’s foot twisted so that if walking, the weight would be borne on the outer edge of the foot.
supinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of supinate.
UNSPOTTEDunspotted adj. Not having spots.
unspotted adj. Unseen.
unspotted adj. (Figurative) Without stains or blots; sinless.
UNSTAMPEDunstamped adj. Not stamped.
unstamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstamp.
UNSTAMPED adj. not stamped.
UNSTEPPEDunstepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstep.
unstepped adj. Not stepped; without steps.
UNSTEP v. to remove from a socket.
UNSTOPPEDunstopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstop.
unstopped adj. Not having been stopped.
UNSTOP v. to remove a stopper from.
UNSTRIPEDunstriped adj. Not striped.
UNSTRIPED adj. not striped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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