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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing D, 2N, 2O and R

ANTIDORONantidoron n. (Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism) A piece of ordinary leavened bread, taken from…
ANTIDORON n. (Latin) the unconsecrated bread remaining after the Eucharistic Liturgy, blessed by the priests and given to noncommunicants as well as communicants.
BRONDYRONBRONDYRON n. (Spenser) a brand, a sword.
CONDEMNORcondemnor n. Alternative form of condemner.
CONDEMNOR n. one who condemns, also CONDEMNER.
CONDONERScondoners n. Plural of condoner.
CONDONER n. one who condones.
CORDONINGcordoning v. Present participle of cordon.
CORDON v. to form a barrier around.
CORDONNETcordonnet n. Doubled and twisted thread, made of coarse silk, and used for tassels, fringes, etc.
CORDONNET n. a type of thread.
HONORANDShonorands n. Plural of honorand.
HONORAND n. a person receiving an honour, esp. an honorary degree, also HONOREE, HONOUREE.
IRONBOUNDironbound adj. Bound with iron, ironclad.
ironbound adj. (Figurative) Rugged.
ironbound adj. (Figurative) Rigid, unyielding.
NANOWORLDnanoworld n. The sphere of influence of nanotechnology.
NANOWORLD n. the world of the very small.
NONDOCTORnondoctor n. One who is not a doctor.
NONDOCTOR n. someone who is not a doctor.
NONDOLLARnondollar adj. Not of, pertaining to, or measured in dollars (especially American dollars).
NONDOLLAR adj. of a currency, not using the dollar.
NONMODERNnonmodern adj. Having characteristics of past times; not modern.
nonmodern n. One who is not modern.
non-modern adj. Alternative form of nonmodern.
NONRANDOMnonrandom adj. Not random; caused or manipulated; arranged.
non-random adj. Alternative form of nonrandom.
NONRANDOM adj. not random.
UNHONOREDunhonored adj. Not honored.
UNHONORED adj. not honored, also UNHONOURED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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