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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing D, M, R, 2S and T

DEEMSTERSdeemsters n. Plural of deemster.
DEEMSTER n. a judge on the Isle of Man, also DEMPSTER, DOOMSMAN, DOOMSTER.
DEMISTERSdemisters n. Plural of demister.
DEMISTER n. a device that demists.
DEMPSTERSdempsters n. Plural of dempster.
DEMPSTER n. (Scots) formerly in Scotland, an officer who repeated the sentence after the judge, also DEEMSTER, DOOMSMAN, DOOMSTER.
DESTREAMSdestreams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of destream.
DESTREAM v. to reverse the categorising of students.
DIESTRUMSDIESTRUM n. a period of sexual inactivity, also DIESTRUS.
DOOMSTERSdoomsters n. Plural of doomster.
DOOMSTER n. (Scots) formerly in Scotland, an officer who repeated the sentence after the judge, also DEEMSTER, DEMPSTER, DOOMSMAN.
DUMPSTERSdumpsters n. Plural of dumpster.
DUMPSTER n. a large skip for refuse.
DUSTSTORMduststorm n. Phenomenon in which gale- to hurricane-force winds blow particles up in a planet’s atmosphere.
dust␣storm n. Alternative spelling of duststorm.
DUSTSTORM n. a storm of dust.
MISDESERTmisdesert n. (Obsolete) The state or fact of deserving bad things.
MISDESERT n. (Spenser) lack of deservingness.
MISSORTEDmissorted v. Simple past tense and past participle of missort.
MISSORT v. to sort badly or improperly.
SANDSTORMsandstorm n. A strong wind carrying clouds of sand and dust through the air.
sand␣storm n. Alternative spelling of sandstorm.
SANDSTORM n. a strong wind that whips up clouds of sand, esp. in a desert.
STUDFARMSstudfarms n. Plural of studfarm.
stud␣farms n. Plural of stud farm.
STUDFARM n. a horse-breeding farm.
TRIADISMStriadisms n. Plural of triadism.
TRIADISM n. the state of being a triad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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