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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, L, 2O, R and T

BLOODROOTbloodroot n. A North American plant, Sanguinaria canadensis, of the poppy family, which has a red root and sap and…
BLOODROOT n. a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka puccoon, redroot.
BLOODWORTbloodwort n. Any of various plants with red roots or leaves.
bloodwort n. Any of various plants used or formerly used to staunch bleeding.
BLOODWORT n. a plant with a red dye in the roots.
BLOOTEREDblootered adj. (Slang) drunk.
BLOOTERED adj. (Scots) drunk.
DECONTROLdecontrol v. To remove controls.
decontrol n. The removal of controls.
DECONTROL v. to remove (esp. official) control from.
DESOLATORdesolator n. Alternative spelling of desolater.
DESOLATOR n. one who desolates, lays waste, also DESOLATER.
DOCTORIALdoctorial adj. (Dated) doctoral.
DOCTORIAL adj. of or pertaining to (the holder of) a doctorate, also DOCTORAL.
DOORPLATEdoorplate n. A plaque mounted on a door, bearing information about the occupant of a room or building.
DOORPLATE n. a plate on a door with a householder's name on it.
DROOLIESTdrooliest adj. Superlative form of drooly: most drooly.
DROOLY adj. drooling.
DROPCLOTHdropcloth n. A large piece of plastic or canvas put over something to protect it from construction debris or paint.
drop␣cloth n. An impermeable sheet of material meant to catch paint or other hard-to-clean substances.
DROPCLOTH n. a cloth dropped on the floor to catch drips from painting.
FORTYFOLDfortyfold adj. By a multiple of forty; by forty times as much or as many.
fortyfold adv. By a factor of forty.
FORTYFOLD adj. multiplied forty times over.
IDOLATORSidolators n. Plural of idolator.
IDOLATOR n. one that worships idols, also IDOLATER.
MODULATORmodulator n. A person who modulates.
modulator n. A device or thing that modulates.
modulator n. (Music) A chart in the tonic sol-fa notation on which the modulations or changes from one scale to another…
OROTUNDLYorotundly adv. In an orotund manner.
OROTUND adv. marked by fullness and clarity of sound; pompous.
OUTROLLEDoutrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outroll.
OUTROLL v. to roll out.
POTHOLDERpotholder n. An insulated pad used for handling hot cooking utensils.
pot␣holder n. A piece of textile (often quilted) or silicone used to cover the hand when holding hot kitchen cooking…
POTHOLDER n. a piece of material used to protect the hands while lifting a pot from the oven.
RHODOLITErhodolite n. A purplish-red garnet.
RHODOLITE n. a rose-red or pink garnet gem.
ROOTHOLDSrootholds n. Plural of roothold.
ROOTHOLD n. maintenance of position by roots.
SHORTHOLDshorthold adj. (UK, law) Describing a tenancy that exists for an agreed term, at the end of which the property may…
shorthold n. A tenancy of this kind.
SHORTHOLD adj. of or being a tenancy of one to five years.
TROLLOPEDtrolloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of trollop.
TROLLOP v. to act or dress like a trollop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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