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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing D, 2L, N, O and U

ANDOUILLEandouille n. A spiced, heavily smoked Cajun pork sausage, often made from the entire gastrointestinal system of the pig.
ANDOUILLE n. (French) a kind of sausage.
BULLNOSEDbullnosed adj. Having a bullnose.
BULLNOSED adj. of the edge of a surface, rounded.
CLOUDLANDcloudland n. Dreamland, fantasy land.
CLOUDLAND n. an imaginary situation or land, esp. as the result of wishful thinking, also CLOUDTOWN.
COLLUDINGcolluding v. Present participle of collude.
colluding adj. That colludes.
COLLUDE v. to conspire.
HELLHOUNDhellhound n. (Mythology) A demonic dog of hell, typically of unnatural size, strength or speed, with black fur, glowing…
hell-hound n. Alternative spelling of hellhound.
hell␣hound n. Alternative spelling of hellhound.
LOTUSLANDlotusland n. Alternative form of lotus land.
Lotusland prop.n. (Greek mythology) The legendary island of the lotus-eaters.
Lotusland prop.n. (Informal) The city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (and, by extension, the province of British Columbia).
MULLIONEDmullioned adj. (Of a window) with mullions.
MULLION v. to provide the upright division between the panes of a window.
PLANULOIDplanuloid adj. (Zoology) Resembling a planula.
PLANULOID adj. of or like a planula, a free-swimming, two-layered, often flattened larva of coelenterates etc.
ROUNDBALLroundball n. (US, slang, originally African American) The sport of basketball.
ROUNDBALL n. a form of basketball.
UNALLOWEDunallowed adj. Not allowed; forbidden.
UNALLOWED adj. not allowed.
UNALLOYEDunalloyed adj. (Of metal) Not alloyed; not in mixture with other metals; pure.
unalloyed adj. Complete and unreserved; pure; unadulterated; not restricted, modified, or qualified by reservations.
UNALLOYED adj. not alloyed.
UNGODLILYungodlily adv. In an ungodly manner.
UNGODLY adv. not godly.
UNSOLIDLYunsolidly adv. In a way that is not solid.
UNSOLID adv. not solid.
UNWORLDLYunworldly adj. Exceeding what is typically found in the world; exceptional, transcendent.
unworldly adj. Characterising people who are unconcerned with worldly matters; spiritually minded.
unworldly adj. Not belonging to this world; celestial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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