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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing D, I, L, 2O and U

AUDIOLOGYaudiology n. The study of the auditory and vestibular systems, and associated disorders.
audiology n. An allied health profession pertaining to the assessment and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders.
AUDIOLOGY n. the study of hearing.
COLLODIUMcollodium n. Alternative form of collodion.
COLLODIUM n. a solution of pyroxylin in ether, used to apply a thin gummy film in photography and surgery, also COLLODION.
DISCOLOURdiscolour v. British form and Canadian form standard spelling of discolor.
DISCOLOUR v. to alter the natural hue or color of, also DISCOLOR.
DUOPOLIESduopolies n. Plural of duopoly.
DUOPOLY n. the market condition when there are two sellers only.
DUOPOLISTduopolist n. A member of a duopoly.
DUOPOLIST n. a member of a duopoly, a situation in which two companies etc are the only suppliers in a particular market.
IDEOLOGUEideologue n. A person who advocates an ideology, especially as an official or preeminent advocate.
IDEOLOGUE n. a doctrinaire adherent of an ideology, also IDEALOGUE.
LUSTIHOODlustihood n. The state of being lusty.
lustihood n. A vigor of body.
LUSTIHOOD n. (archaic) lustiness, also LUSTIHEAD.
MELODIOUSmelodious adj. Having a pleasant melody or sound; tuneful.
MELODIOUS adj. having melody.
TULIPWOODtulipwood n. The striped, variegated wood of the tulip tree.
TULIPWOOD n. the beautiful rose-colored striped wood of a Brazilian tree, much used by cabinetmakers for inlaying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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