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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, 2I, 2O and T

CONDITIONcondition n. A logical clause or phrase that a conditional statement uses. The phrase can either be true or false.
condition n. A requirement or requisite.
condition n. (Law) A clause in a contract or agreement indicating that a certain contingency may modify the principal…
CORTICOIDcorticoid n. (Medicine) Any substance (especially a drug) whose action is similar to that of a hormone of the adrenal cortex.
CORTICOID n. any of the steroid hormones produced in the adrenal cortex, also CORTICOSTEROID.
DOLOMITICdolomitic adj. (Geology) Of, pertaining to or containing dolomite.
DOLOMITIC adj. pertaining to dolomite, a carbonate sedimentary rock.
DORMITIONdormition n. The process of falling asleep.
dormition n. (Euphemistic) The process of death or the actual death itself.
dormition n. (Eastern Orthodoxy, often capitalized) The death and assumption into heaven of the Virgin Mary.
IDIOTICONidioticon n. A dictionary of a specific dialect, or of the words and phrases peculiar to one part of a country; a glossary.
IDIOTICON n. a dialect dictionary.
IODATIONSiodations n. Plural of iodation.
IODATION n. the act of iodating.
IRIDOTOMYiridotomy n. (Surgery) The removal of part of the iris.
IRIDOTOMY n. surgical removal of the iris.
ORNITHOIDornithoid adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bird.
ornithoid n. (Science fiction, fantasy) Any bird-like creature.
ORNITHOID adj. birdlike.
OXIDATIONoxidation n. The combination of a substance with oxygen.
oxidation n. (Chemistry) A reaction in which the atoms of an element lose electrons and the oxidation state of the…
OXIDATION n. the act of oxidizing.
SODOMITICsodomitic adj. Engaging in sodomy; characterised by or involving sodomy.
SODOMITIC adj. relating to sodomy, also SODOMITICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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