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There are 13 nine-letter words containing D, 2I, N, O and V

CODRIVINGcodriving v. Present participle of codrive.
CODRIVE v. to work as a codriver.
DEVIATIONdeviation n. The act of deviating; wandering off the correct or true path or road.
deviation n. A departure from the correct way of acting.
deviation n. The state or result of having deviated; a transgression; an act of sin; an error; an offense.
DEVOICINGdevoicing v. Present participle of devoice.
devoicing n. (Phonetics) The process by which a sound is devoiced.
DEVOICING n. the act of not using the vocal cords in utterance.
DILUVIONSdiluvions n. Plural of diluvion.
DILUVION n. a deposit of superficial loam, sand, gravel, stones, etc., caused by former action of flowing waters, or the melting of glacial ice, also DILUVIUM.
DIVERSIONdiversion n. (Military) A tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action.
diversion n. A hobby; an activity that distracts the mind.
diversion n. The act of diverting.
DIVINATORdivinator n. One who practices or pretends to divination; a diviner.
DIVINATOR n. (archaic) one who practices or pretends to divination.
DIVISIONSdivisions n. Plural of division.
divisions n. (UK, naval) A formal parade of a ship’s or shore establishment’s company.
DIVISION n. the act of dividing.
DIVORCINGdivorcing v. Present participle of divorce.
DIVORCE v. to terminate the marriage contract.
DIVULSIONdivulsion n. The act of separating by force, especially by dilation or pulling apart.
DIVULSION n. the act of pulling or rendering apart or away.
EVILDOINGevildoing n. An evil or wicked act, especially a crime.
EVILDOING n. the doing of evil.
INVIDIOUSinvidious adj. Causing ill will, envy, or offense.
invidious adj. (Of a distinction) Offensively or unfairly discriminating.
invidious adj. (Obsolete) Envious, jealous.
PROVIDINGproviding v. Present participle of provide.
providing n. Something provided; a provision.
PROVIDE v. to supply.
VENDITIONvendition n. The act of vending or selling; sale.
VENDITION n. a sale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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