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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, 2I, L, O and U

AUDIOPHILAUDIOPHIL n. a person who is enthusiastic about hi-fidelity sound reproduction, also AUDIOPHILE.
DELICIOUSdelicious adj. Pleasing to the sense of taste; tasty.
delicious adj. (Colloquial, figurative) Pleasing to a person’s taste; pleasing to the eyes or mind.
delicious adj. (Slang) Having tremendous sex appeal.
DELIRIOUSdelirious adj. (Medicine) Being in the state of delirium.
delirious adj. Having uncontrolled excitement; ecstatic.
DELIRIOUS adj. mentally confused, esp. through fever or other illness.
DICLINOUSdiclinous adj. (Botany, dated) unisexual.
diclinous adj. (Crystallography) diclinic.
DICLINOUS adj. having the stamens and pistils in separate flowers.
DILUTIONSdilutions n. Plural of dilution.
DILUTION n. the act of diluting.
DILUVIONSdiluvions n. Plural of diluvion.
DILUVION n. a deposit of superficial loam, sand, gravel, stones, etc., caused by former action of flowing waters, or the melting of glacial ice, also DILUVIUM.
DIVULSIONdivulsion n. The act of separating by force, especially by dilation or pulling apart.
DIVULSION n. the act of pulling or rendering apart or away.
DOLICHURIDOLICHURUS n. (Greek) a dactylic hexameter with a redundant syllable at the end.
LIMULOIDSlimuloids n. Plural of limuloid.
LIMULOID n. a member of the king crab family, also LIMULUS.
NAUPLIOIDnauplioid adj. Resembling a nauplius.
NAUPLIOID adj. shaped like a nauplius, a larval form in crustaceans.
NAUTILOIDnautiloid n. A mollusc resembling a nautilus; specifically, a cephalopod of the subclass Nautiloidea.
nautiloid adj. (Zoology) Resembling a nautilus; pertaining to the subclass Nautiloidea.
NAUTILOID n. a mollusc of the subclass Nautiloidea, to which the nautilus and several extinct species belong.
NONLIQUIDnonliquid n. A substance that is not a liquid.
nonliquid adj. Not liquid (in various senses).
NONLIQUID n. something that is not a liquid.
QUINOIDALquinoidal adj. (Organic chemistry) quinoid.
QUINOIDAL adj. of or like quinoid, a quinonoid substance.
SILUROIDSsiluroids n. Plural of siluroid.
SILUROID n. any of a family of catfishes, also SILURID.
SOLIQUIDSSOLIQUID n. a fluid colloidal system.
TOLUIDIDEtoluidide n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of organic amides in which one of the hydrogen atoms of the amino…
TOLUIDIDE n. a chemical deriving from toluene.
TOLUIDINEtoluidine n. (Organic chemistry) Any of the three isomeric aromatic amines derived from toluene; they are used in…
TOLUIDINE n. any one of three amido derivatives of toluene analogous to aniline, also TOLUIDIN.
TOLUIDINStoluidins n. Plural of toluidin.
TOLUIDIN n. any one of three amido derivatives of toluene analogous to aniline, also TOLUIDINE.
UTILIDORSutilidors n. Plural of utilidor.
UTILIDOR n. (Canadian) an insulated system of pipes for use in arctic regions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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