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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing D, 3I, M and S

DIAPIRISMdiapirism n. The formation of diapirs.
DIAPIRISM n. the upward movement of material through denser rock.
DICLINISMdiclinism n. (Botany) The state of having stamens or pistils in separate flowers.
DICLINISM n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINY.
DIRIGISMEdirigisme n. A policy of strong state control over the economy and related social matters.
DIRIGISME n. (French) state control of economic and social affairs, also DIRIGISM.
DIRIGISMSdirigisms n. Plural of dirigism.
DIRIGISM n. state control of economic and social spheres.
DISSIMILEdissimile n. (Rhetoric) Comparison or illustration by contraries.
DISSIMILE n. a comparison or illustration by contraries.
IDIOTISMSidiotisms n. Plural of idiotism.
IDIOTISM n. the state of being an idiot, also IDIOCY, IDIOTCY.
INDICIUMSindiciums n. Plural of indicium.
INDICIUM n. (Latin) a distinctive mark, also INDICIA.
MIDISKIRTmidiskirt n. A skirt with a hemline at mid-calf.
MIDISKIRT n. a skirt of medium length.
MINIDISCSminidiscs n. Plural of minidisc.
MiniDiscs n. Plural of MiniDisc.
MINIDISC n. a miniature compact disc, also MINIDISK.
MINIDISKSminidisks n. Plural of minidisk.
MINIDISK n. a miniature compact disc, also MINIDISC.
MINIMISEDminimised v. Simple past tense and past participle of minimise.
MINIMISE v. to make as small as possible, also MINIMIZE.
MISDIVIDEmisdivide v. To divide wrongly.
MISDIVIDE v. to divide wrongly.
MITICIDESmiticides n. Plural of miticide.
MITICIDE n. a substance used to kill mites.
SEMIRIGIDsemirigid n. (Aviation) An airship or dirigible which maintains its shape using a combination of internal pressure…
semirigid adj. Partially rigid.
semi-rigid adj. Alternative spelling of semirigid.
SIMILISEDsimilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of similise.
SIMILISE v. to liken, also SIMILIZE.
SIMILIZEDsimilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of similize.
SIMILIZE v. to liken, also SIMILISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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