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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing D, 3I, L and N

DICLINIESDICLINY n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINISM.
DICLINISMdiclinism n. (Botany) The state of having stamens or pistils in separate flowers.
DICLINISM n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINY.
DIGITALINdigitalin n. Any of a mixture of glycosides, extracted from the foxglove plant, that are used as cardiotonics.
DIGITALIN n. a drug extracted from foxglove, used for heart complaints.
DISLIKINGdisliking n. Gerund of dislike: a dislike.
disliking v. Present participle of dislike.
DISLIKE v. to regard with aversion.
IDOLISINGidolising v. Present participle of idolise.
IDOLISE v. to worship, also IDOLIZE.
IDOLIZINGidolizing v. Present participle of idolize.
IDOLIZE v. to worship, also IDOLISE.
INFIDELICINFIDELIC adj. of or like an infidel.
INITIALEDinitialed v. Simple past tense and past participle of initial.
INITIAL v. to mark with the first letters of one's name.
INSIPIDLYinsipidly adv. In an insipid manner.
INSIPID adv. dull and uninteresting.
LIBIDINALlibidinal adj. Relating or pertaining to the libido.
LIBIDINAL adj. relating to the libido.
LIGNIFIEDlignified v. Simple past tense and past participle of lignify.
LIGNIFY v. to convert into wood.
MINOXIDILminoxidil n. (Pharmacology) A compound used orally as a vasodilator to treat hypertension and topically to reverse baldness.
MINOXIDIL n. a peripheral vasodilator used to treat hypertension.
NALIDIXICnalidixic adj. Of or pertaining to nalidixic acid or its derivatives.
NALIDIXIC adj. as in nalidixic acid, a synthetic compound used to treat infections of the urinary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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