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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, H, I, N, O and U

ANTHODIUManthodium n. (Botany) The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into an involucrate head.
ANTHODIUM n. the flower head of certain plants.
AUDIPHONEaudiphone n. An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve and enables the deaf…
AUDIPHONE n. an instrument which, pressed against the teeth, communicates sounds through the bones to the ears.
CUSHIONEDcushioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of cushion.
cushioned adj. Furnished with a cushion or cushions; padded.
cushioned adj. (Cycling) Having cushion tires.
DISHONOURdishonour n. Shame or disgrace.
dishonour n. Lack of honour or integrity.
dishonour n. (Law) Failure or refusal of the drawee or intended acceptor of a negotiable instrument, such as a bill…
DOUCHINGSdouchings n. Plural of douching.
DOUCHING n. the act of using a douche.
EUNUCHOIDeunuchoid adj. Resembling a eunuch.
eunuchoid n. An organism exhibiting eunuchoidism.
EUNUCHOID adj. having the characteristics of a eunuch.
HIDEBOUNDhidebound adj. Bound with the hide of an animal.
hidebound adj. (Of a domestic animal) Having the skin adhering so closely to the ribs and back as not to be easily…
hidebound adj. (Of trees) Having the bark so close and constricting that it impedes the growth.
HOUNDFISHhoundfish n. Tylosurus crocodilus, a large gamefish of the family Belonidae.
houndfish n. A small European shark (Scyliorhinus canicula), small-spotted dogfish.
HOUNDFISH n. a name given to various species of small shark or dogfish.
HUMANOIDShumanoids n. Plural of humanoid.
HUMANOID n. something having human form.
HYDRONIUMhydronium n. (Inorganic chemistry) The hydrated hydrogen ion, H3O+.
HYDRONIUM n. the hydrated hydrogen ion, H3O+.
NOURISHEDnourished v. Simple past tense and past participle of nourish.
nourished adj. Fed.
NOURISH v. to sustain with food.
OUTSHINEDoutshined v. Simple past tense and past participle of outshine.
OUTSHINE v. to shine brighter than.
SHIPPOUNDship-pound n. (Historical) A unit of weight once used in the Baltic ports.
SHIPPOUND n. in the Baltic ports, twenty lispounds, a varying weight, 12 to 34 pounds.
SHROUDINGshrouding v. Present participle of shroud.
shrouding n. A shroud (annular plate at the periphery of a water wheel, forming side of bucket).
SHROUDING n. the act of covering with a shroud.
UNHOODINGunhooding v. Present participle of unhood.
UNHOOD v. to remove a hood from.
UPHOLDINGupholding v. Present participle of uphold.
upholding n. The act by which something is upheld.
UPHOLDING n. the act of upholding.
WHODUNITSwhodunits n. Plural of whodunit.
WHODUNIT n. a mystery novel, also WHODUNNIT.
WHODUNNITwhodunnit n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of whodunit.
WHODUNNIT n. a mystery novel, also WHODUNIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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