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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, H, 2I, L and N

BLINDFISHblindfish n. Any of various fish, having only rudimentary eyes, that inhabit underground waters.
BLINDFISH n. an eyeless fish of the Kentucky Mammoth Cave.
CHIDINGLYchidingly adv. In a chiding manner.
CHIDING adv. scolding.
CHIDLINGSchidlings n. Pronunciation spelling of chitterlings.
CHIDLINGS n. part of the small intestine of swine, also CHITLINGS.
DELPHINIAdelphinia n. Plural of delphinium.
delphinia n. Synonym of delphinine.
DELPHINIUM n. a genus of garden flower, comprising larkspur and stavesacre.
HINDMILKSHINDMILK n. breast milk exuded after the first part of a feeding.
INHOLDINGinholding n. A piece of privately-owned land inside the boundary of a national park, national forest, state park…
inholding v. Present participle of inhold.
INHOLDING n. privately owned land inside the bounds of a national park.
LICHENOIDlichenoid adj. Resembling lichen.
LICHENOID adj. of or like lichen.
SHIELDINGshielding v. Present participle of shield.
shielding n. (Physics, chemistry) The situation, in NMR spectroscopy, in which a local magnetic field is weakened…
shielding n. (Soccer) Action done by the person with the ball to protect the ball from the defender; the person concerned…
WHIRLWINDwhirlwind n. A violent windstorm of limited extent, as the tornado, characterized by an inward spiral motion of the…
whirlwind n. (Figuratively) A person or body of objects or events sweeping violently onward.
whirlwind adj. Rapid and minimal: a whirlwind tour, a whirlwind romance.
WINDCHILLwindchill n. (Meteorology) The still-air temperature equivalent to a given combination of temperature and wind speed…
wind␣chill n. (Meteorology) A measure of how cold the atmosphere feels, taking not just actual temperature into account…
WINDCHILL n. the cooling effect that wind has as it blows on a surface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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