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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, G, L, 2N and S

BLENDINGSblendings n. Plural of blending.
BLENDING n. the act of blending.
BLINDINGSblindings n. Plural of blinding.
BLINDING n. the act of blinding.
BLONDINGSBLONDING n. the act of dyeing blonde.
BUNDLINGSbundlings n. Plural of bundling.
BUNDLING n. the act of making a bundle.
DANGLINGSdanglings n. Plural of dangling.
DANGLING n. the act of dangling.
FONDLINGSfondlings n. Plural of fondling.
FONDLING n. a pet, a fool.
GANGLANDSganglands n. Plural of gangland.
GANGLAND n. the criminal underworld.
GOLDSINNYgoldsinny n. Synonym of goldfinny.
GOLDSINNY n. one of two or more species of European labroid fishes, also GOLDFINNY.
HANDLINGShandlings n. Plural of handling.
HANDLING n. the manner in which something is handled.
ISLANDINGislanding v. Present participle of island.
islanding n. The condition of a distributed generation (DG) generator continuing to power a location even though…
ISLAND v. to set or dot with or as with islands.
KINDLINGSkindlings n. Plural of kindling.
KINDLING n. twigs etc. used to start a fire.
LONGHANDSlonghands n. Plural of longhand.
LONGHAND n. ordinary handwriting, as distinguished from shorthand or typing or printing.
NEEDLINGSneedlings n. Plural of needling.
NEEDLING n. the act of pricking with a needle.
NOODLINGSnoodlings n. Plural of noodling.
NOODLING n. playing idly on a musical instrument.
SANDALINGSANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SANDLINGSsandlings n. Plural of sandling.
SANDLING n. a marine fish.
SPINDLINGspindling v. Present participle of spindle.
spindling adj. Spindly; very long and slender.
spindling n. Anything long and slender, like a shoot.
SWINDLINGswindling v. Present participle of swindle.
swindling n. The act by which somebody is swindled.
SWINDLING n. the act of swindling.
UNLADINGSunladings n. Plural of unlading.
UNLADING n. the act of unlading.
WINDLINGSwindlings n. Plural of windling.
WINDLING n. the act of winding yarn on a windle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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