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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing D, G, I, O and 2R

BORDERINGbordering v. Present participle of border.
bordering adj. Having a common boundary or border.
bordering n. A pattern or ornament forming a border.
BROWRIDGEbrowridge n. Alternative form of brow ridge.
brow␣ridge n. A bony projection in humans and other primates located above eye sockets delimiting the bottom of the forehead.
BROWRIDGE n. a prominence of the frontal bone above the eye.
CORRADINGcorrading v. Present participle of corrade.
CORRADE v. to wear away by the action of loose solid material, e.g. pebbles in a stream.
CORRODINGcorroding v. Present participle of corrode.
corroding n. Corrosion.
CORRODE v. to eat away by degrees.
DISGORGERdisgorger n. (Fishing) A device used to remove a hook from the mouth of a fish.
DISGORGER n. one who disgorges.
GRIDIRONSgridirons n. Plural of gridiron.
GRIDIRON v. to mark with parallel lines or bars.
ORDERINGSorderings n. Plural of ordering.
ORDERING n. arrangement.
OVERGIRDSovergirds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overgird.
OVERGIRD v. to gird to excess.
OVERRIGIDoverrigid adj. Too rigid or severe.
OVERRIGID adj. too rigid; too severe.
PORRIDGESporridges n. Plural of porridge.
PORRIDGE n. a soft meal of oatmeal, also PARRIDGE, PARRITCH.
RADIOGRAMradiogram n. A message, like a telegram, transmitted by radio rather than wires.
radiogram n. An entertainment device that combined a radio and a record player or gramophone.
radiogram n. A radiograph.
RECORDINGrecording v. Present participle of record.
recording n. The act of storing sound, video, etc., in a permanent medium.
recording n. A reproduction of sound, video, etc., stored in a permanent medium.
REWORDINGrewording v. Present participle of reword.
rewording n. A changed wording.
rewording n. The act of creating a changed wording.
RODGERSIArodgersia n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Rodgersia.
RODGERSIA n. a flowering perennial herb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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