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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing D, G, I, N, P and T

DEPARTINGdeparting v. Present participle of depart.
departing adj. That is leaving.
departing adj. While leaving.
DEPICTINGdepicting v. Present participle of depict.
DEPICT v. to portray.
DEPIGMENTdepigment v. To reduce pigmentation.
DEPIGMENT v. to take away or reduce the pigmentation in.
DEPLETINGdepleting v. Present participle of deplete.
DEPLETE v. to lessen the supply of.
DEPORTINGdeporting v. Present participle of deport.
DEPORT v. to expel from a country.
DESPITINGdespiting v. Present participle of despite.
DESPITE v. to treat with contempt.
DIPHTHONGdiphthong n. (Phonetics) A complex vowel sound that begins with the sound of one vowel and ends with the sound of…
diphthong n. (Rare) A vowel digraph or ligature.
DIPHTHONG n. a union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable.
DISPUTINGdisputing v. Present participle of dispute.
disputing n. Dispute; argument.
DISPUTE v. to argue about.
PAGINATEDpaginated v. Simple past tense and past participle of paginate.
paginated adj. (Of text) Whose pages have been numbered.
PAGINATE v. to mark with consecutive numbers.
PIGMENTEDpigmented v. Simple past tense and past participle of pigment.
PIGMENT v. to add a colouring matter to.
PREDATINGpredating v. Present participle of predate.
pre-dating v. Present participle of pre-date.
PREDATE v. to date before the true date.
UPDARTINGupdarting v. Present participle of updart.
UPDART v. to dart up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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