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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, G, I, L, O and T

BIGOTEDLYbigotedly adv. In a bigoted manner.
BIGOTED adv. like a bigot, intolerant.
DIALOGISTdialogist n. A writer of dialogs.
dialogist n. A speaker within a dialogue.
DIALOGIST n. a speaker in a dialogue.
DIALOGITEdialogite n. (Mineralogy) Rhodochrosite.
DIALOGITE n. a native carbonate of manganese, aka rhodochrosite.
DIGLOTTICDIGLOTTIC adj. relating to a diglot, a bilingual person.
DITTOLOGYdittology n. A double reading or interpretation of a text.
DITTOLOGY n. a twofold reading or interpretation.
DOGSTAILSDOGSTAIL n. a grass with spiky flower-heads, also DOGTAIL.
DOUGHTILYdoughtily adv. In a doughty manner.
DOUGHTY adv. courageous.
DOWNLIGHTdownlight n. A light fixture installed in a hollow opening in a ceiling, concentrating the light in a downward direction.
downlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate from above.
DOWNLIGHT n. a lamp shining downwards.
DROPLIGHTdroplight n. Alternative spelling of drop light.
drop␣light n. A lamp that is suspended, for example via a cable.
drop␣light n. (Railways) A window in a train carriage that is opened by pushing it downward into the door.
EIGHTFOLDeightfold adj. Eight times as much; multiplied by eight.
eightfold adj. Containing eight parts.
eightfold adv. By a factor of eight.
GLADIATORgladiator n. (In ancient Rome) A person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal…
gladiator n. (By extension) A disputant in a public controversy or debate.
gladiator n. A professional boxer.
GLOTTIDESglottides n. Plural of glottis.
GLOTTIS n. (Greek) the opening between the vocal chords.
GOLDSMITHgoldsmith n. A person who makes, repairs or sells things out of gold, especially jewelry.
goldsmith n. (Obsolete) A banker (because the goldsmiths of London used to receive money on deposit, being equipped…
Goldsmith prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
GOLDSTICKGoldstick n. Alternative form of Gold Stick (“ceremonial bodyguard”).
Goldstick prop.n. A surname.
Gold␣Stick n. A ceremonial bodyguard to the British Royal Household, holding the rank of colonel.
GOODLIESTgoodliest adj. (Obsolete) superlative form of goodly: most goodly.
GOODLY adj. of pleasing appearance.
LIGHTWOODlightwood n. (North America) Any wood used to light a fire; kindlings; especially, very resinous pine wood.
lightwood n. Any of various trees with pale-coloured wood, especially the Australian tree Acacia melanoxylon.
Lightwood prop.n. A number of places in England…
LONGITUDElongitude n. (Geography) Angular distance measured west or east of the prime meridian.
longitude n. (Geography, astronomy) Any imaginary line perpendicular to the equator and part of a great circle passing…
longitude n. (Archaic) Length.
OBLIGATEDobligated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obligate.
obligated adj. (North America, Scotland) committed.
obligated adj. (North America, Scotland) having an obligation; obliged.
STRODLINGSTRODLE v. (dialect) to stand astride something, also STRADDLE, STRIDDLE, STRODDLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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