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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing D, F, I, O, S and U

DIFFUSIONdiffusion n. The act of diffusing or dispersing something, or the property of being diffused or dispersed; dispersion.
diffusion n. (Physics) The scattering of light by reflection from a rough surface, or by passage through a translucent medium.
diffusion n. (Physics) The intermingling of the molecules of a fluid due to random thermal agitation.
DIFFUSORSdiffusors n. Plural of diffusor.
DIFFUSOR n. one that diffuses, also DIFFUSER.
DISFAVOURdisfavour n. Lack of favour; displeasure.
disfavour n. An unkindness; a disobliging act.
disfavour n. A state of being out of favour.
FLUORIDESfluorides n. Plural of fluoride.
FLUORIDE n. a compound of fluorine, also FLUORID.
FOUNDINGSfoundings n. Plural of founding.
FOUNDING n. the time of first establishment.
FOUNDRIESfoundries n. Plural of foundry.
FOUNDRY n. a building where metal is cast.
FROIDEURSfroideurs n. Plural of froideur.
FROIDEUR n. (French) coolness in personal relationships.
HOUNDFISHhoundfish n. Tylosurus crocodilus, a large gamefish of the family Belonidae.
houndfish n. A small European shark (Scyliorhinus canicula), small-spotted dogfish.
HOUNDFISH n. a name given to various species of small shark or dogfish.
NONFLUIDSnonfluids n. Plural of nonfluid.
NONFLUID n. a substance that is not a fluid.
ODIFEROUSodiferous adj. (Proscribed) Odoriferous; smelly.
ODIFEROUS adj. having odour, also ODORIFEROUS.
OUTFIELDSoutfields n. Plural of outfield.
OUTFIELD n. a part of a baseball field.
OUTFISHEDoutfished v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfish.
OUTFISH v. to surpass in fishing.
SUDORIFICsudorific adj. In a state of perspiration; covered in sweat; sudoriferous, sweaty.
sudorific adj. (Chiefly pharmacology) That produces sweating.
sudorific n. (Pharmacology) A medicine that produces sweating.
SULFOXIDEsulfoxide n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound of general formula R2S=O.
SULFOXIDE n. any of a class of carbon compounds featuring sulphur, also SULPHOXIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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