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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2N, R and W

DAWNERINGdawnering v. Present participle of dawner.
DAWNER v. (dialect) to stroll, saunter, also DANDER, DAUNDER, DAUNER.
DOWNRANGEdownrange adj. In the horizontal direction away from the launch site of a rocket or projectile in the direction of its travel.
downrange adv. In the horizontal direction away from the launch site of a rocket or projectile in the direction of its travel.
DOWNRANGE adv. in a direction down the range.
DOWNTRENDdowntrend n. Any gradual movement towards a lower state or value.
downtrend v. (Intransitive) To undergo a downward trend.
DOWNTREND n. a tendency in a downward direction.
INTERWINDinterwind v. To wind around; to intertwine.
interwind n. (Astronomy) The equivalent of solar wind from a pulsar.
INTERWIND v. to wind in among.
LANDOWNERlandowner n. A person who owns land.
LANDOWNER n. one who owns land.
REWINDINGrewinding v. Present participle of rewind.
rewinding n. The act or process by which something is rewound.
rewinding n. A set of replacement coils on an electric motor or other device that uses wound wires to generate a magnetic field.
SUNDOWNERsundowner n. (Australia, obsolete) An itinerant worker, such as a swagman, who arrives at a farm too late in the…
sundowner n. (Australia, obsolete) An itinerant worker, a swagman.
sundowner n. (Nautical) A sea captain who shows harsh discipline by requiring all hands to be on board by sundown.
UNBROWNEDunbrowned adj. Not browned.
UNBROWNED adj. not browned.
UNCROWNEDuncrowned adj. Not crowned; not yet crowned.
uncrowned adj. Deprived of the monarchy.
uncrowned v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncrown.
UNDERGOWNundergown n. A gown worn under another, or under some other article of dress.
UNDERGOWN n. a gown worn under another, or under some other article of dress.
UNDERSOWNundersown v. Past participle of undersow.
UNDERSOW v. to sow land already seeded with a later-growing crop.
UNDERWENTunderwent v. Simple past tense of undergo.
UNDERGO v. to be subjected to.
UNDERWINGunderwing n. A hind wing on an insect.
underwing n. A member of the genus Catocala, a nocturnal moth which usually has brightly coloured underwings.
underwing n. (Ornithology) The underside of a bird’s wing.
UNDROWNEDundrowned adj. Not drowned.
UNDROWNED adj. not drowned.
UNRENEWEDunrenewed adj. Not renewed.
UNRENEWED adj. not renewed.
UNWINDERSunwinders n. Plural of unwinder.
UNWINDER n. one who unwinds.
WANDERINGwandering adj. Which wanders; travelling from place to place.
wandering adj. (Medicine, of an organ) Abnormally capable of moving in certain directions.
wandering n. Travelling without preset route; roaming.
WARDENINGwardening v. Present participle of warden.
WARDEN v. to guard as a warden.
WINDBORNEwindborne adj. Carried by the wind.
wind-borne adj. Alternative form of windborne.
WINDBORNE adj. carried on the wind e.g. of seeds.
WONDERINGwondering v. Present participle of wonder.
wondering n. The mental activity by which one wonders; a query, puzzlement, etc.
wondering adj. Full of questioning and consideration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 88 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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