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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2N, P and U

DEPANNEURdepanneur n. (Canada, Quebec) Alternative spelling of dépanneur.
dépanneur n. (Canada, Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario) A convenience store, especially one that sells alcohol.
DEPANNEUR n. (Canadian) a convenience store in French Canada.
NONPLUSEDnonplused v. Simple past tense and past participle of nonplus.
NONPLUS v. to take aback, baffle.
PENDULINEpenduline n. A penduline tit.
penduline adj. (Of a bird’s nest) Hanging, pendulous.
PENDULINE adj. building a pendulous nest, as in penduline tit.
PUDDENINGpuddening n. (Nautical) Fibres of old rope packed between spars, or used as a fender.
PUDDENING n. a pad of rope used as a fender on a boat.
UNDERPINSunderpins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underpin.
UNDERPIN v. to support from below.
UNDERSPINunderspin n. (Uncountable, sports) Backspin.
underspin n. (Countable, sports) A shot using backspin.
UNDERSPIN n. a kind of spin in table tennis.
UNPAINTEDunpainted adj. Not painted.
UNPAINT v. to remove the paint from.
UNPENNIEDunpennied adj. (Obsolete) penniless.
UNPENNIED adj. without pennies.
UNPLAINEDunplained adj. (Obsolete) Not deplored or bewailed; unlamented.
UNPLAINED adj. (Spenser) not lamented.
UNPLANKEDunplanked adj. Not fitted with planks.
unplanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of unplank.
UNPLANKED adj. not fitted with planks.
UNPLANNEDunplanned adj. Unintentional; not intended.
unplanned adj. Spontaneous and not thought through in advance.
unplanned adj. Not having any structure or organization.
UNPLANTEDunplanted adj. Not planted.
UNPLANTED adj. not planted.
UNPOINTEDunpointed adj. Not pointed (formed into a point).
unpointed adj. Not pointed (finished by filling with cement or mortar).
unpointed adj. (Typography) Not marked with a point.
UNPRINTEDunprinted adj. Not (yet) printed.
unprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unprint.
UNPRINTED adj. not printed.
UNRIPENEDunripened adj. Not ripened; still unripe.
UNRIPENED adj. not ripened.
UNSNAPPEDunsnapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsnap.
unsnapped adj. Not having been snapped.
UNSNAP v. to undo the snaps of.
UPBOUNDENupbounden adj. (Obsolete) bound up.
UPBIND v. to bind completely.
UPSENDINGupsending v. Present participle of upsend.
UPSEND v. to send upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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