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There are 15 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2N, O and P

DEPONENTSdeponents n. Plural of deponent.
DEPONENT n. a verb having a passive form but active meaning.
ENDORPHINendorphin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of peptide hormones found in the mammalian brain that act as neurotransmitters…
ENDORPHIN n. any of a group of peptides that occur in the brain and bind to the same receptors as morphine, thereby inhibiting pain.
ENDPOINTSendpoints n. Plural of endpoint.
end␣points n. Plural of end point.
ENDPOINT n. either of two points that mark the end of a line segment.
HANDPHONEhandphone n. (Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, South Korea) A mobile phone.
handphone n. (Rare, chiefly obsolete) A telephone receiver or handset.
HANDPHONE n. in SE Asia, a mobile phone.
NONPLUSEDnonplused v. Simple past tense and past participle of nonplus.
NONPLUS v. to take aback, baffle.
OPINIONEDopinioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of opinion.
opinioned adj. (In combination) Having a specified kind of opinion.
opinioned adj. (Dated) Firmly adhering to one’s opinions; opinionated.
PENDRAGONpendragon n. Also capitalized as Pendragon: a title assumed by the ancient British chiefs when called to lead other…
Pendragon prop.n. (Arthurian legend) An epithet of Uther, the father of King Arthur.
Pendragon prop.n. (Arthurian legend) An epithet or surname of King Arthur.
PENSIONEDpensioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pension.
PENSION v. to grant a retirement allowance to.
PONDERINGpondering v. Present participle of ponder.
pondering n. An act of rumination or cogitation.
PONDER v. to consider deeply.
PONTOONEDpontooned adj. Having a pontoon, or pontoons, attached to it.
pontooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pontoon.
PONTOON v. to cross with a pontoon.
SPHENDONEsphendone n. (Historical) An Ancient Greek headband worn by women.
sphendone n. (Historical) An elliptical or semi-elliptical auditorium.
SPHENDONE n. (Greek) a headband or fillet worn by women in ancient Greece.
SPHENODONsphenodon n. The tuatara.
Sphenodon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sphenodontidae – the three species of tuatara.
SPHENODON n. a member of the Sphenodont group of lizards, to which the tuatara belongs.
UNPOINTEDunpointed adj. Not pointed (formed into a point).
unpointed adj. Not pointed (finished by filling with cement or mortar).
unpointed adj. (Typography) Not marked with a point.
UPBOUNDENupbounden adj. (Obsolete) bound up.
UPBIND v. to bind completely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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