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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing D, E, 3N and O

ANNOUNCEDannounced v. Simple past tense and past participle of announce.
ANNOUNCE v. to make known publicly.
BANDONEONbandoneon n. (Music) A small Latin American accordion played with buttons which is frequently used in tango ensembles.
BANDONEON n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDOLEON, BANDONION.
CANNONADEcannonade n. The firing of artillery for a length of time.
cannonade n. (Figuratively) A loud noise like a cannonade; a booming.
cannonade v. To discharge artillery fire upon.
ENDUNGEONendungeon v. (Transitive) To confine in a dungeon.
ENDUNGEON v. to shut up in a dungeon.
INDENTIONindention n. The act of indenting a line of text by including blank space at the beginning.
INDENTION n. a blank space left at the beginning of a line, also INDENTATION.
INNUENDOSinnuendos n. Plural of innuendo.
INNUENDO n. an insinuation.
NONBONDEDnonbonded adj. (Chemistry) Describing electron pairs that take no part in bonding.
NONBONDED adj. not bonded.
NONDANCERnondancer n. Someone who is not a dancer.
NONDANCER n. someone who does not dance.
NONDANCESnondances n. Plural of nondance.
non-dances n. Plural of non-dance.
NONDANCE n. an unrhythmic dance.
NONDEMANDnondemand adj. Not being or relating to a demand.
nondemand n. That which is not a demand.
NONDEMAND n. something that is not a demand.
NONENDINGnonending adj. Not coming to an end.
NONENDING adj. not ending.
NONFUNDEDnonfunded adj. Not funded.
NONFUNDED adj. not funded.
NONMODERNnonmodern adj. Having characteristics of past times; not modern.
nonmodern n. One who is not modern.
non-modern adj. Alternative form of nonmodern.
NONWINGEDnonwinged adj. Not winged; without wings.
NONWINGED adj. not winged.
REDONNINGredonning v. Present participle of redon.
REDON v. to don again.
UNANNOYEDunannoyed adj. Not annoyed.
UNANNOYED adj. not annoyed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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