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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, E, M, 2N and S

AMANDINESamandines n. Plural of amandine.
AMANDINE n. (French) albumin in sweet almonds; a cold cream composed of that substance.
DEMININGSDEMINING n. the removal of (explosive) mines.
DIMENSIONdimension n. A single aspect of a given thing.
dimension n. A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width or breadth, or depth.
dimension n. A construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished.
DISMANNEDdismanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of disman.
DISMAN v. to deprive of men.
INDAMINESindamines n. Plural of indamine.
INDAMINE n. any unstable organic base whose salts are blue or green dyes, also INDAMIN.
LANDMINESlandmines n. Plural of landmine.
land␣mines n. Plural of land mine.
LANDMINE v. to lay landmines.
MENHADENSmenhadens n. Plural of menhaden.
MENHADEN n. (Native American) an oily fish of the herring family, found off the east coast of the United States.
MISINTENDmisintend v. (Transitive) To intend, purpose, or direct amiss or wrongfully; mismean.
MISINTEND v. (obsolete) to aim amiss.
MISKENNEDmiskenned v. Simple past tense and past participle of misken.
MISKEN v. to fail to recognize.
MISPENNEDmispenned v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispen.
MISPEN v. to write incorrectly.
MONDAINESMONDAINE n. (French) a (female) person who lives in fashionable society, also MONDAIN.
MUNDANESTmundanest adj. Superlative form of mundane: most mundane.
MUNDANE adj. ordinary, banal.
NEEDMENTSneedments n. Plural of needment.
NEEDMENT n. (Spenser) something needed.
NORMANDESNormandes n. Plural of Normande.
NORMANDE n. (French) a breed of cattle originating in Normand.
OSMUNDINEosmundine n. (Botany) The roots of ferns of the genus Osmunda, used in growing orchids etc.
OSMUNDINE n. a type of compost made from dried fern moss.
ROUNDSMENroundsmen n. Plural of roundsman.
ROUNDSMAN n. a person who goes round esp. one sent by a shopkeeper to take orders and deliver goods.
SYNODSMENsynodsmen n. Plural of synodsman.
SYNODSMAN n. a member of a synod, an ecclesiastical assembly or council.
TENENDUMStenendums n. Plural of tenendum.
TENENDUM n. (Latin) a clause in a deed defining land tenure.
UNDERMANSundermans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underman.
UNDERMAN v. to use too few workers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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