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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2L, M and O

COMPELLEDcompelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of compel.
COMPEL v. to force.
GAMBOLLEDgambolled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of gambol.
GAMBOL v. to leap about playfully.
LAMELLOIDlamelloid adj. Resembling a lamella.
LAMELLOID adj. like lamellae, in thin plates.
LEAFMOLDSleafmolds n. Plural of leafmold.
leaf␣molds n. Plural of leaf mold.
LEAFMOLD n. mould from decayed leaves.
MEDAILLONmedaillon n. (Cooking) Synonym of medallion.
MEDAILLON n. (French) a small round or oval serving, as of meat.
MEDALLIONmedallion n. A large medal, usually decorative.
medallion n. A cut of meat resembling a medallion.
medallion n. (Art) A usually round or oval frame (often made of stucco) containing a decoration.
METALLOIDmetalloid n. (Chemistry) An element, such as silicon or germanium, intermediate in properties between that of a metal…
metalloid n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The metallic base of a fixed alkali, or alkaline earth; applied to sodium, potassium…
metalloid adj. (Not comparable) Of or relating to the metalloids.
MODELLERSmodellers n. Plural of modeller.
MODELLER n. one that models, also MODELER.
MODELLINGmodelling v. Present participle of model.
modelling n. Commonwealth standard spelling of modeling.
MODELLING n. the act of modelling.
MODELLISTmodellist n. A person who makes models.
MODELLIST n. a person who constructs models, also MODELIST.
MOLLIFIEDmollified v. Simple past tense and past participle of mollify.
MOLLIFY v. to soften, appease.
MORSELLEDMORSEL v. to divide into small pieces.
MOULDABLEmouldable adj. Able to be moulded; plastic.
MOULDABLE adj. capable of being molded or formed.
MULLIONEDmullioned adj. (Of a window) with mullions.
MULLION v. to provide the upright division between the panes of a window.
POMMELLEDpommelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of pommel.
pommelled adj. (Often in combination) Having a pommel.
POMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL.
ROMELDALERomeldale n. A breed of domestic sheep native to the United States, produced by crossing Romney rams and Rambouillet ewes.
ROMELDALE n. an American breed of utility sheep.
SWELLDOMSSWELLDOM n. the fashionable world.
SYMBOLLEDsymbolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of symbol.
SYMBOL v. to serve as a representation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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