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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing D, E, I, 2N and Y

BENDAYINGbendaying v. Present participle of benday.
BENDAY v. to reproduce using a certain process.
BENDINGLYbendingly adv. (Chiefly obsolete) In a manner involving bending.
DENYINGLYdenyingly adv. In a manner that denies.
DENYING adv. DENY, to declare to be untrue, also DENAY.
DYINGNESSdyingness n. The state of dying or the stimulation of such a state; extreme languor.
DYINGNESS n. the state of dying or the simulation of such a state.
HOYDENINGhoydening v. Present participle of hoyden.
HOYDEN v. to act like a tomboy, also HOIDEN.
INDECENCYindecency n. Lack of decency; the property or degree of being indecent.
indecency n. Something showing lack of decency; something (such as a word) that is indecent.
INDECENCY n. the quality of being indecent.
INDEMNIFYindemnify v. To secure against loss or damage; to insure.
indemnify v. (Chiefly law) To compensate or reimburse someone for some expense or injury.
indemnify v. (Obsolete, rare) to hurt, to harm.
INDEMNITYindemnity n. Security from damage, loss, or penalty.
indemnity n. (Law) An obligation or duty upon an individual to incur the losses of another.
indemnity n. Repayment; compensation for loss or injury.
INDIGENCYindigency n. Alternative form of indigence.
INDIGENCY n. poverty; the state of being needy, also INDIGENCE.
INDOLENCYindolency n. (Obsolete) Synonym of indolence.
INDOLENCY n. laziness, also INDOLENCE.
REDENYINGredenying v. Present participle of redeny.
REDENY v. to deny again.
SHINNEYEDSHINNEY v. to play a form of hockey.
SYNEDRIONsynedrion n. An assembly that holds formal sessions.
SYNEDRION n. an ancient rabbinical council of 70 sages, the highest court of ancient Jerusalem, also SYNEDRIUM.
YSHENDINGYSHEND v. (Spenser) to scold, also SHEND.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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