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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, E, I, 2N and W

DAWNERINGdawnering v. Present participle of dawner.
DAWNER v. (dialect) to stroll, saunter, also DANDER, DAUNDER, DAUNER.
DEWANNIESdewannies n. Plural of dewanny.
DEWANNY n. (Urdu) the office of dewan, also DEWANI.
DOWNINESSdowniness n. The quality of being downy.
DOWNINESS n. the state of being downy.
ENWINDINGenwinding v. Present participle of enwind.
ENWIND v. to enwrap, also INWIND.
INSINEWEDinsinewed adj. (Obsolete) strengthened, as if with sinews; invigorated.
INSINEW v. (Shakespeare) to be joined as with sinews.
INTERWINDinterwind v. To wind around; to intertwine.
interwind n. (Astronomy) The equivalent of solar wind from a pulsar.
INTERWIND v. to wind in among.
NONWINGEDnonwinged adj. Not winged; without wings.
NONWINGED adj. not winged.
REWINDINGrewinding v. Present participle of rewind.
rewinding n. The act or process by which something is rewound.
rewinding n. A set of replacement coils on an electric motor or other device that uses wound wires to generate a magnetic field.
UNDERWINGunderwing n. A hind wing on an insect.
underwing n. A member of the genus Catocala, a nocturnal moth which usually has brightly coloured underwings.
underwing n. (Ornithology) The underside of a bird’s wing.
UNSINEWEDunsinewed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsinew.
unsinewed adj. (Obsolete) Weak.
UNSINEW v. to take the strength from.
UNWINDERSunwinders n. Plural of unwinder.
UNWINDER n. one who unwinds.
WANDERINGwandering adj. Which wanders; travelling from place to place.
wandering adj. (Medicine, of an organ) Abnormally capable of moving in certain directions.
wandering n. Travelling without preset route; roaming.
WARDENINGwardening v. Present participle of warden.
WARDEN v. to guard as a warden.
WEDELNINGwedelning v. Present participle of wedeln.
WEDELN v. (German) to ski in a swiveling motion with skis close together, also WEDEL.
WIDENINGSwidenings n. Plural of widening.
WIDENING n. the act of making wide.
WINDBORNEwindborne adj. Carried by the wind.
wind-borne adj. Alternative form of windborne.
WINDBORNE adj. carried on the wind e.g. of seeds.
WINDINESSwindiness n. The state of being windy; the state of there being wind.
windiness n. The state of being winding or twisting; twistiness.
WINDINESS n. the state of being windy.
WOMENKINDwomenkind n. All women around the world viewed as one entity.
WOMENKIND n. women generally, the female sex, also WOMANKIND.
WONDERINGwondering v. Present participle of wonder.
wondering n. The mental activity by which one wonders; a query, puzzlement, etc.
wondering adj. Full of questioning and consideration.
WOODENINGWOODEN v. (Australian slang) to fell or kill a person or animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 111 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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