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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2I, Q and U

CRITIQUEDcritiqued v. Simple past tense and past participle of critique.
CRITIQUE v. (French) to judge as a critic.
DELIQUIUMdeliquium n. (Chemistry) Liquefaction through absorption of moisture from the air.
deliquium n. (Pathology) An abrupt loss of consciousness usually caused by an insufficient blood flow to the brain; fainting.
deliquium n. (Literary, figuratively) A languid, maudlin mood.
DEMIPIQUEdemipique n. (Historical) A kind of military saddle.
DEMIPIQUE n. an 18th century war-saddle having a lower peak than usual.
DISQUIETSdisquiets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disquiet.
disquiets n. Plural of disquiet.
DISQUIET v. to deprive of quiet, rest, or peace.
DOMINIQUEDominique n. An American breed of chicken with a rose comb and a heavy plumage of irregularly striped black-and-white feathers.
Dominique prop.n. A female given name from French.
Dominique prop.n. A male given name from French.
INQUIETEDinquieted v. Simple past tense and past participle of inquiet.
INQUIET v. to disturb.
LIQUEFIEDliquefied adj. Alternative spelling of liquified.
liquefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of liquefy; Alternative spelling of liquified.
LIQUEFY v. to make or become liquid, also LIQUIFY.
LIQUIDATEliquidate v. (Transitive) To settle (a debt) by paying the outstanding amount.
liquidate v. (Transitive) To settle the affairs of (a company), by using its assets to pay its debts.
liquidate v. (Transitive) To convert (assets) into cash; to redeem.
LIQUIDIERLIQUIDY adj. having the nature of a liquid, flowing freely.
LIQUIDISEliquidise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of liquidize.
LIQUIDISE v. to make esp. food liquid, also LIQUIDIZE.
LIQUIDIZEliquidize v. To make liquid usually referring to solid food in a food processor; liquefy.
liquidize v. (Business, finance) to convert assets into liquid (cash) form; to liquidate.
LIQUIDIZE v. to make esp. food liquid, also LIQUIDISE.
LIQUIFIEDliquified adj. Converted into a liquid state.
liquified v. Simple past tense and past participle of liquify.
LIQUIFY v. to make or become liquid, also LIQUEFY.
QUALIFIEDqualified adj. Meeting the standards, requirements, and training for a position.
qualified adj. Restricted or limited by conditions.
qualified v. Simple past tense and past participle of qualify.
QUALITIEDqualitied adj. (Now rare) Endowed with (usually specified) qualities; especially, having good qualities.
QUALITIED adj. endowed with a quality or qualities.
QUINIDINEquinidine n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A compound obtained from cinchona bark and used to treat irregularities…
QUINIDINE n. a cinchona alkaloid, which is an optically active isomer of quinine and is used to treat cardiac arrhythmia.
SQUIDGIERsquidgier adj. Comparative form of squidgy: more squidgy.
SQUIDGY adj. unpleasantly damp, clammy.
SQUIDLIKEsquidlike adj. Resembling a squid.
SQUIDLIKE adj. like a squid.
SQUINNIEDsquinnied v. Simple past tense and past participle of squinny.
SQUINNY v. to squint, look askance, also SQUINY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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